You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Headached Noncoherent Entry
March 14, 2003 - 10:09 p.m.

Hoooowdy. Well I'm home now. It's good to be home. Good to be away from the dorm, and from a specific roommate... but I won't get into that. God does her shit smell.

I have a headache, so this might be short. I just wanted to keep consistant while I've been writing every day. Plus, my banner seems to be doing purdy well :o) yay. I've been getting lots of people signing my guestmap. I seem to be attracting a lot of people from the east coast. Whoda thunk it. I know there're a lot of Californians who read my diary, but they live near me, so that's probably why they're not plotting themselves. I still want everyone to plot themselves please.. it's so very interesting!

Today I had a vagina doctor appoinment.. got me some more drugs. That's always a good thing. It wasn't all that exciting. I got there early, so I went to the PacSun outlet. I didn't expect to find anything worth buying since that store is so horribly expensive, but I found a Paul Frank tank top/underwear set that was purdy cheap.. for PacSun.. and for Paul Frank. So yeah, I went ahead and bought it. I'm quite happy with my purchase.

I went out to eat with my parents tonight. It was yummy. Normal food is so much better than dorm food. Can't wait for my first home cooked meal...

Now that I'm home I can enjoy my birthday presents. Weeee! I can't start tomorrow afternoon though cuz my mom and I are going to see Les Miserables in San Jose. I'm excited cuz I've never seen that play even though we sang two songs from it in choir last year. In two weeks I'm going to see the high school's performance.. which will look like shit compared to the one I'm seeing tomorrow, but hey, at least I'll get a good laugh out of it. Plus I'll be reminded of why I left Newark.

What is up with these "this is not an MTV commercial" MTV commercials? Why can't road rules/real world challenge be on a different channel?

I think my mom's expecting me to start getting ready for bed now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.