You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Birth Control and Hottie Haven
August 11, 2002 - 7:14 p.m.

Geez.. I have been too busy to write.. I am quite sorry. I've had a busy little weekend. Where to start? Let's start from the very beginning. That's a very good place to start. When we read we begin with ABC... Sorry, got carried away with the Sound of Music reference there. Moving right along...

I went to the vagina doctor. It was bad. It was very bad. I survived though, and I have recovered. Also, I have birth control. Yaaaaaaaay. I don't even know whether that yay was sarcastic or not. I'm afraid the birth control will give me more migraines like it did with my sister, but the doctor said it has different effects on different people. I just can't wait to have a period without cramps, personally. It will be heaven. It will be wonderful. It will be glorious.

Saturday night Jenny and Javie organized a little hotel shin dig, and it was purdy interesting. In a nutshell, I hardly got any sleep and a weirdo hit on me. It will definitely be a night I can tell my children about when they are my age. I vow never to be in THAT kinda situation again if I can help it.

I went home at like 7:30 and got about 5 and a half hours of sleep before my haircut appointment. I got my hair all layered, and I'm liking it so far. While the hairdresser was cutting my hair her comb got stuck on my eyebrow ring. That was a bloody mess, and I'm not being British. I think my eyebrow is on the road to recovery though. I can only hope. I fear rejection. I fear rejection in relationships with guys, I fear rejection in piercings, I just overall fear rejection.

I got home at four, but I couldn't get ahold of Jennifer to tell her we were leaving at five. When I picked Jenny up for dinner, I told her the situation so we had Aley on hold in case we never got in contact with Jennifer. Luckily, after dinner I called Jennifer and she was home, so we headed off to Concord. The trip there was not so fun cuz my car likes to overheat when it's hot outside, so we had to have the heater on the whole time. But my oh my was it worth it. Dashboard and Weezer rocked so hard. Neither of them played my favorite songs by them, but all is forgiven cuz it was such a good show. And goodness gracious, there were so many hot guys there. It was like a hottie haven and Chris Carrabba was their ring leader or something. Jennifer and I kept standing up to "stretch" (enjoy the scenery.. so to speak), and we both got Dashboard posters. We also both got Weezer t-shirts. Yup, we're dorks who get matching shirts.. oh well. I was surprised because Weezer played an equal amount from all of their cd's, and I think a few more from Pinkerton than anything else. I think they realize that the crowd doesn't really dig the new stuff. My favorites included Dashboard doing Ender Will Save us All and Weezer doing Only in Dreams. It was a great night.

Today I continued my mission to pack pack pack. It wasn't all that exciting really. I didn't pack much either.. I realized I really don't have much stuff I'm planning on bringing. And then I can't pack clothes that I'm planning on wearing in the next week and stuff, so I was kinda like hmmm.. I'm done, but the cd isn't. That sentence was horribly written. I think I should end this entry before I become illiterate.

Ugh, I need a word of the day for tomorrow. Any ideas? Anyone? Anyone? It hasta expand the kids' vocabulary yet be pronouncable. It hasta be something at least somewhat new for 5 year olds as well as 15 year olds. Put your thinking caps on, folks. Or you could just leave it up to me as it always is.. :o)

Oh yeah.. and apparently...>

I'm gonna stop while I'm ahead. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.