You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

February 6, 2001 - 6:46:25 PM

I had a really creative way to start this entry, but I forgot. Ugh, don't you hate that? I know I do.

So today was ok I guess. Nothing special. We started learning a new song in choir about rain.. pitter patter, pitter patter. It has mostly the same lyrics, but the cool part is that we getta play cool instruments while we sing it. Hopefully I'll getta play one in the concert since I have rhythm. That would be sweet.

Math was actually alright. I understood what was taught, but I still couldn't do the hw when I got home. There's some missing link I'm not latching on to. Claudia and I moved our meeting-after-school date to tomorrow. We're gonna go in and talk to Mr. Paula too.

We had the weird-ass sub again in ASL. We started yet another movie.. Trojan War. It was really lame and stupid and cheesey and generic and unrealistic. I could go on with adjectives, but basically it's not worth the time. I passed notes with Laura about my uterus.

There was a sub in art. I had fun making jokes. Yup, that was fun.

Joe sounds like he's hyperventilating (sp?) when he laughs. It's funny. I recommend everyone hear it. And then get him some oxygen.

I'm not in a very typey mood if you couldn't already tell. I'm kinda depressed and I don't know why. I hate it when that happens. I think I'm gonna go in my room and draw for art class while listening to music. Sound like fun? Yup.

Right now I'm in this random chatroom on aim I was invited to. It's funny cuz they keep inviting random people and they're like, "Do I know you?!?!?" You'd think getting a random invitation was odd or something. Ok, maybe for other people it is, but it seems normal to me.

Yeah, still getting that feeling that people online don't really wanna talk to me.. cept you, Pete :o) Basically cuz I'll have 10 people on my bl and no IM's. Oh well. Better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not, right? Or something...

Well, I'm gonna go start drawing now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.