You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Crampy Crap
February 5, 2001 - 7:51:35 PM

Howdy. Lorah the bitch here. Yup, it's the time of month when you don't wanna cut me off in traffic, and a lot of people had the nerve to do so anyway today. Grrrr. One of them got a friendly honking (except it wasn't friendly this time, go me!)

Today started off really shitty. I woke up around 5:30 with the worst cramps I've ever had. No matter how I lay, my uterus was killing me. Even in the fetal position, which usually offers some relief. Not today. Every single move I made sent a sharp pain to my uterus. Ouch. So I managed to crawl outta bed at 6:15 and get motrin, which scared my dad. He's not used to seeing me in the morning. After my alarm clock went off, I crawled outta bed once again to tell my mom what was up. She let me stay home till the motrin kicked in, which meant I didn't go to first period. Oh well. It kinda sucked having to go to math as my first class. Especially since I didn't do the hw. I still don't understand this chapter at all. Claudia and I are gonna get together after school on Thursday and she's gonna help me. Until then I'm gonna earn me some more zeros I suppose. Hopefully Claud's a good tutor.

So at brunch, as you can imagine, I was feeling purdy shitty. My day had not started off well at all. People were asking me what was wrong. Usually that never happens, cuz whenever I'm depressed I can manage a fake smile. I try to fool myself into happiness at school. It's weird.

Anycrap, things started looking upward during history. We had a nice class discussion about abortion. That made us purdy behind on notes.. oh well.

ASL was fun. Even though we had the weird-ass sub again, we watched Stepmom, which is a cool movie. I passed notes with Laura, but she was doing something else, so I started passing notes with Jason. He started showing off his drawing skills and then denying that he was showing off... riiiiiiight.

Made eye contact ten times in English... woo woo!

Art was fun. For our warm up we had to draw something in our backpack. I drew my water bottle. It was purdy crappy. Then one of the dudes in our class was the model and we drew him. Mine turned out ok. I drew the hood on his sweatshirt well, so I was proud of that. The drawing was a little too wide, though, so it looked like he had a big crotch.. oops. hehe.

I didn't hafta work! Miranda wasn't at work so Sandy took over for her, so they had a sub at the front desk who worked till 4:30. Yay!

I went home and started my hw. I'm really enjoying The Great Gatsby. I actually wanted to keep reading after I finished the assignment instead of doing other hw, but I stopped anyway. I did my history hw and caught up on notes for English. I still didn't know how to do my math hw though :o(

After dinner (which was really good, a new recipe!), Jenny and I went to Zany Brainy to pick up an application. I had seen a Now Hiring sign out front. Well, apparently the sign was for the chain in general, not that specific store. Damn. Jenny said we should tear the sign down by attaching it to my bumper. Then we could say, "NOW HIRING MY ASS!!!" Yup, that's the plan.

After our disappointing experience at Zany Brainy, we went to Newark Java to make sure that Child Care flier was still there. It was. I'm gonna call Sylvia tomorrow. We're gettin desperate here! I'm gonna lose my job at the school district soon too, cuz they're finally interviewing for the front desk. I can shred and scan, but do I really want to? No, I'd rather work at Child Care with Sylvia.. if she hires teens.

Jones Soda never gets old. Green Apple is the best. Yum.

Next weekend is another three-day weekend. Sweet. We're gonna hafta plan some ice skating or bowling or something! Knowing my luck, my teachers will load me with hw. Hmph.

Teresa... DUMP HIM!!!

I will fuck you in a chair. I will fuck you anywhere. (Inside joke)

"I'm not concieted, I'm simply the greatest person who ever lived." ~Jerry Stanwood... gotta love him.

I guess that's all for now. Wish me and my uterus luck for tomorrow. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.