You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Candy, Glossing, and Funnies
October 8, 2001 - 7:22 p.m.


Damn, I don't have anything to say. Why the hell did I start an entry? ooohh.. I'm bored.

Today we started candy sales for choir. It's amazing how fast that shit sells. I was also amazed that Ana didn't know my name when we're both friends with Jennifer. And once I told her what it was, she made me spell my last name like 3 times. For those of you who know what my last name is, you are probably laughing, cuz it's not a difficult last name to spell. I also had to correct her spelling of my first name 3 times. After she got it right, she said, "thanks, Lara." She totally pronounced it wrong, too! aaahhhhh!!! My name is so simple, wtf?

I have a pretty ring on my middle finger. It's purple. Selena drew it on. Shh... don't tell. I think there's a remote possibility that some people might think it's real.

I changed the font on my IM's. I think that's big enough news to type here. Yup. I think my mom mighta changed the color though. It's considerably darker than it was yesterday... or maybe it's just my imagination.

Tonight I was bored so I watched the Babysitters Club movie. It had been years since I watched it, and it was oh-so-very cheesy. Occasional cheese is good, though, especially for a lactose intolerant person like myself. Did anybody know Rachel Leigh Cook was in that movie? Well, she was. She played Mary Anne. Kristy was always my favorite though. I have a Kristy doll actually. I have no idea why I'm typing any of this.

I should gloss some more of my English packet. I'm doing it in increments. I did some when my mom got home, and now I'm gonna do some more, then I'll finish it before I go to sleep. That's the plan. Wish me luck.

Today I actually raised my hand and spoke in Mr. Hallford's class. I think he musta been surprised cuz I never talk. And after having my sister, he probably thought I would talk a lot. I worry too much about turning red, but I didn't. In fact, I made a funny, and someone from the class complimented me in choraliers. Maybe I'll speak up in that class a little more often.

Enough procrastinating. Time for glossing. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.