You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

The Life of me
January 18, 2001 - 7:56:58 PM

Yeah, so I'm supposed to have the first two chapters of the studying-for-finals packet in math done tomorrow. It's 8, I haven't started. Hmmmmmmmm........

Basically, it's not mandatory.. and I know Mr. Paula's gonna do it on the board tomorrow. I am playing the role of the lazy teenager here and not doing it. Maybe I'll get a tad done, but what's the point? I just need my memory refreshed, not stuffed to the max.

Did you ever notice how Burt has a unibrow and Ernie has no eyebrows at all? Is it like Burt's making up for Ernie's lacking? Ok, so I've been eating a lot of spits today and spitting the shells into my sesame street cup. Tehe. That leads to more chapped lips. Oh well. I like the taste of chapstick... I just don't like how it draw attention to my big, huge lips. Big lips are good though, right? Would the guys out there let me know? At the rate I'm going, I'm thinking they might just be a turn off...

Today purdy much sucked. I think I did ok on the test in math. I just hope I got higher than a 79% so I can mantain my B- in the class. I got a D on the last test.. eek. Yeah, I admit, I'd like to maintain my 4.16 gpa. Who wouldn't? I think I put too much pressure on myself though...

In ASL I had to sign the ball story. Yes, you read that right, the ball story. I did purdy good I think. Good enough. Mrs. Lyons loves me, so I should get a good grade. I'm not really worried though. I know people who don't do assignments and still get a B in that class. It's like the easiest class ever. The electricity went out during that class. Everyone was trying to convince Mrs. Lyons that it was later than it was so we could go to lunch. I was like c'mon people.. she's ditzy, but not THAT ditzy.

Lunch was nice and freezing-ass cold. (No electricity means no heating, plus once the power came back on, the AC did.. wtf?)

PE sucked.. big time. We had to run the mile. I had an injured knee and I couldn't breathe through my nose (more about the knee later). Needless to say, my time was not the best. Oh well, it was the last mile I will EVER have to run. :::rejoices::: Four more days of PE and counting...

After school I went to the dentist. I didn't mind missing work, but later I found out I missed goody day.. damn! I wanted some of those weenies Sharon cooks! Anyfuck, the dentist sucked of course, but I don't have any cavaties. The chick who cleaned my teeth was new I think. She poked my lip by accident twice, but I'd rather have her than the experienced people. They're waaaaaay too cheesey and they tell me I need to brush and floss more. Blah, blah, blah.

I burned another cd tonight. Ah, the wonder of a burner that works. I can't wait till it's actually one we own. Until then, the thrill of burning cd's with Denise's will do.

Ok, yeah, so the knee story. Last night was my first dance class for like a month. Surprisingly, the room changed. They FINALLY put up ballet barres. Now, I was excited about the idea before, but I'm not liking the stuff we hafta do with the barres. It's like... strenuous. Yeah, hell is a better word actually. My legs are aching. Anyfuck, that wasn't the knee story. So there are also four new girls in our class. New girls never transfer in half-way through the year! Weird shit. One transferred from a younger class, I guess she was too old for it (good reasoning there, I know). Two of them were friends and snobby with their noses in the air and their eyelids covered with make up. Hello, this is dance class, not the Miss America Pageant. Yeah, they didn't pay much attention to us. Then there was this other chick named (get this) Laura. Yes, now there are three Lauras. The teacher, me, and the new chick. But that's ok, cuz Laura's the only nice new person. We got along real well. She's been to tons of different dance studios too. It's ok that she has my name. It's my duty to check out all Lauras and see if they're elligibal.

Ack, the knee story! Ok, so we were tap dancing, and we did this nice lil step where we had to end standing on our heals with our hands in the air at the end of the dance. Well, we were practicing the dance, and I slipped on my heal and fell... HARD. It hurts like a bitch. It was embarrassing too, everyone was standing there with their hands in the air, and there's Lorah on the ground. :::Sigh::: The life of me...

Yeah, that was the knee story. Now I have a huge bump and bruise on my knee. It hurts to walk. Ugh.

"There's this hunger in her belly like an instict. It tells her that there's something more. This living shouldn't be called living cuz it's really only half alive. She's a flower that grows just by the cement hose, and she will survive." ~Jewel

That's all for now in the life and times of Lorah. Ta! ~BOB

P.S. Can anyone else not see that Stop Dr. Laura banner at the bottom anymore? It won't load for my puter. Let me know!

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.