You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

March 10, 2001 - 12:27:11 AM

I have this Nirvana song stuck in my head. It's a good song, but it just keeps playing over and over again which can get quite annoying.

Today was alright. I think I just might be in the mood to do some detail.

In math we did the second part of the test. I think I aced it. Mr. Paula also handed back the first part so we could revise for a few mins. I figured out how to do this one problem I hadn't gotten before, which was really cool since each problem is worth like eight points. So, I think there is a slight possibility I just might get an A on this test. Either that, a B, or all my answers are done totally wrong and I get an F. Cross your fingers for me.

Oy, the plethera of porn IM's. I block the mail, and the IM's flood me. Why me?

We had an assembly today. It was ok. It was our school's annual HATS assembly.. which usually consists of the same thing year after year. Different clubs doing different dances based on heritage. Some of them are purdy talented, but after three years of the same ol' shit it gets purdy monotonous. Not to mention the unpleasant feeling of close resemblence to a herd of cattle or a stampede of elephants that is experienced while entering and exiting the much-too-small gym. Ah, how lovely high school life is.

After school Sara asked me if I could hurry the process of getting her home. I've had problems in the past with her and rides. (On my birthday she called three times in the morning, even though I had specifically told her before that if she doesn't call the night before, she doesn't get a ride.) I told her I had already told Claudia we'd drop by Sears to get her pay check and it might be better to find someone else for a ride if she was in a hurry. Well, she mumbled something about finding someone and that she'd meet me at my car. I thought she meant she was gonna try to find another ride and if she couldn't she'd go to my car, but apparently that's not what she meant. While we were walking to my car Anna came up to me and asked if she could have a ride to the Silliman Center. I said only if Sara wasn't waiting at my car. When we got to my car, there was no Sara, so we all piled in, and up walked Sara. She was purdy damn pissed. I tried to ask Anna if she could find another way and what-not, but Sara just said she'd find another ride and huffed off. Uh... oops. I feel kinda bad.

Tonight Jenny, Joe, and I went out to eat at Red Robin. Then we came back here and watched Meet the Parents with my parents. Hehe.. that sounds funny. Anyfuck, I had already seen the movie, but Jenny and Joe hadn't. They enjoyed it. It's a damn funny movie. After the movie ended, we played The Simms. We created our own family.. the Nelspiters (a mixture of our last names) that consists of three people, each representing one of us. It was fun.

Yeah, so that was my exciting day.

I dunno if I've mentioned in the past, but I have a tendency to have strange dreams where I'm making out with people.. frequently. I've had ones with people I know, people I don't know, people I'm attracted to, people I'm not attracted to, guys, and girls. Only two of the latter, which happened months ago, maybe even a year by now. I know I'm not a lesbian, though, so it doesn't worry me as much as it does people I tell. Anyfuck, last night I had a dream where I kissed Joe. It was weird.. everyone knew Joe liked me, but I didn't like him. I was desperate though, so when we were playfully fighting he kissed me and I gave in. It wasn't major making out like some dreams I have though, so that's good. This serves as a good purpose for many jokes about Joe liking me since in my dream he liked me and I didn't like him. I think these jokes are starting to piss Joe off. He may desire a fight with my subconscience.

I have quite a busy weekend ahead of me. I have quite a bit of hw to do, which I plan to do as soon as I wake up tomorrow morning. Then Jenny and I are gonna go rollerblading for fun hopefully.. if we have time. Tomorrow night is my birthday dinner with family. My grandparents and my sister are going. We're going to this yummy restaurant called Mimi's. They serve the best breakfasts... mmmmmmmmmmmmm. THEN... Sunday is my party. An eventful weekend, huh? It should be fun. I just hope I can get some work done. We have some stuff due on Friday for the research paper in history that I don't wanna save till the last minute. Plus, there's an essay on Cuckoo's crap due the 23rd.. I kinda have 100 more pages to read. Tehe.

Whoa, a log just fell in the fire and it scared me. I'm the only one awake. Pyrophobia sucks!!!

I'm gonna go now. This is purdy damn long. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.