You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

March 8, 2001 - 8:06:20 PM

I'm sorry to keep all my fans waiting in the aspect of how my birthday went, but I wasn't much in the mood to write an entry yesterday. You'll hafta forgive me. This'll be quick cuz I went to the eye doctor today and typing doesn't go well with dialated pupils.

Yesterday was ok. I got lots of happy birthdays, and I was rather pleased, but it went downhill after I opened my presents. I got some sweet presents, mind you, but after I played the Simms for about an hour (one of my presents) I had to go to dance class. I was all light-headed when I left. I thought it was from being in front of the puter for so long, but apparently not, cuz it didn't go away. I felt like I was gonna faint during most of dance class. Not a fun way to spend your birthday.

So when I officially turned 17 I was driving home from dance all zoned out. It wasn't fun. My mom bought me iron pills cuz we think I might be anemic (as mentioned in previous entries). I took one today. I've been ok so far. I haven't been doing anything too strenuos though.

This week has been the longest week. I'm glad tomorrow's Friday. I know the weekend won't be long enough though. Things just keep getting more stressful. Not just stressful, bad overall. I feel like I'm wasting away to nothing. Especially with this whole light-headed problem. I used to be able to get away with living on hope, but I think my hope is starting to dwindle. I'm just living for summer and working with my favorite people (kids) again at Ash St. I can't wait.

I must go feed my new addiction now (The Simms). Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.