You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Crushes and Crumbs
May 6, 2003 - 6:43 p.m.

Hmm.. ok.. so I've had all day free since 2:00, and I'm still not motivated to type, print, and glue one tiny little part of my ASL collage (coughmynamecough). I also can't bring myself to do research for the negotiation that is now definitely tomorrow. I don't really know what to research; that would be the problem. I know that the girl I hafta negotiate with has information to back her argument. I don't really think I need any information though. I dunno. I haven't discussed what we're negotiating enough to type any more details here cuz no one would understand what I'm talking about.

American Idol's on tonight, but I dunno whether or not I wanna watch it. It's been getting on my nerves lately. It's the same thing over and over again. Seriously, they should just show the auditioning process where they have the shitty singers cuz the show just goes downhill after you eliminate that aspect of it.

I think I've reached the starving-for-a-rebound part of the healing process. I never read about this stage on any website, but I'm inventing it myself. Yesterday I was craving some meaningless making out. This is not very Laura-like. I was judging guys in my classes by how much I'd be willing to make out with them. Again, not like me. I also stupidly flirted with an ex online. Should NOT have done that. Ugh. I seem to be more grounded today, luckily. I did flirt with this guy in my math class, but I have a slight crush on him, so it's allowed. I know nothing will ever happen, so it's all good and healthy. Crushes are allowed at this point, relationships are not. I'm not ready for that.

Ooooo. I found out today I might getta go home two weeks from today. That would subtract two days from the "days till school ends" countdown down there. This is because I might be able to take my final in math on Thursday of next week. Then I'd have all my finals finished on Monday. That would be very cool. The shitty part is the fact that we hafta clean our entire dorm or we're charged a LOT of money. It's poopy. I think we hafta put the bunk beds back up too cuz there's a $30 fee for not having the beds at the same height. They'll find any reason to charge us, I swear.

I've eaten way too much Pez tonight. You can see proof if you click the cam link. Beware. The damage is scary.

I was just looking at my keyboard, and it has all kindsa food under the keys. I know that's not good at all. Oops. I think I'd go mad if I didn't eat in front of the puter though. It's just kinda gross.

I think I'm done now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.