You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

24 Hour Stores are Open for a Reason
May 8, 2003 - 10:40 p.m.

Why hello there. Not much to report here. The last couple days have consisted of classes and trying on babing soots. Yes yes, I know I already have a babing soot that I'm perfectly happy with. See, Jenny and I are shopping buddies, or rather it's all we have to do here, and since she's shopping for a babing soot, I must try them on for moral support, OF COURSE. Luckily I haven't found one that I like more than the one I bought, so that makes me happy. Yesterday I felt random, so I tried on a skanky shirt and discovered I could pull off dressing like a skank somewhat decently. I don't plan on doing it, mind you, but I'm gonna get one shirt that requires a strapless bra since one of the bras I bought at Target can have its straps removed. That's the one that was on clearance for two bucks too.. tehe! I am such a bargain shopper.

I have the dorm to myself again this weekend. This time I'm not gonna make the mistake of renting romantic comedies. no no no. This time I'm renting comedies with no romance in them WHATSOEVER. Also, tomorrow night Jenny and I plan on going to Denny's at 2 in the morning and Kinko's at 3 in the morning to make copies of pictures for a collage she hasta make. Why are we going at such crazy times? Because we can. Someone has to take advantage of those fricken convenient hours! We also might go to Ralph's and buy some produce.. because you always see people buying produce at 4 in the morning, and you wonder what would compel someone to do so. We're gonna find out. Oh yes, we will.

For now, however, I'm trying to remain invisible in this hallway. I seem to do that often. In fact, I think that has been my philosophy all school year. I smile and/or say hi when I walk by people who live on my hall, but I don't hang out with them. And that's the way it should be. Hehe. I think I hear a lot of drunk people stumbling around tonight. Must stay in hiding. I hope my teevee doesn't blow my cover. Yeah, like they'd bother me anyway...

Tomorrow I hafta go to a meeting on campus about budget cuts. The negotiation on Wednesday didn't bring any results, so my group hasta meet again. I really don't care to go. I don't really care about the future of this school since I'm not gonna be here next year. I shoulda chosen the damn censorship in the media topic. Ugh.

Well the daily show is on in 8 mins. Must end this quickly! Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.