You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

A Busy Weekend
May 4, 2003 - 11:23 p.m.

Howdy! It has been quite hectic since my last entry. This is basically because of my sister dropping into town.

Last night Karen arrived at around 10:30. We brought her stuff into my dorm, visited Jenny, and then headed to Denny's. Denny's is a lot more crowded at 11:30 on a Saturday night than one might think. There were a buncha people in cowboy hats sitting at a couple of tables, and then a buncha teenagers in prom dresses and tuxes came in. One of the guys even had a crown on.. apparently we were in the presence of greatness. Or.. y'know.. a prom king.

Afterwards we had to find a place to park Karen's car since this campus isn't exactly friendly for overnight visitor parking. We tried to buy a ticket from a dispenser in one of the parking lots, but after Karen put in the quarters, no ticket came out. Bastard. We decided to park in a residential area. We went to one on the army base where all the army families live, and Karen parked her car and everything. Then I remembered the bumper sticker she has on the back of her car that might stop it from blending in with the rest of the vehicles in the neighborhood. It reads, "It will be a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the air force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber." I dunno if that's the exact wording, but close enough. Yeah, we were afraid someone would think she was a spy or something, especially since she has bumper stickers that represent Barcelona and Cataluna (sp?), which isn't exactly a threatening area, but is another country nonetheless, so we ended up parking her car in the ghetto part of Seaside. Luckily it was ok when we picked it up today. Phew!

Today Karen got the opportunity to experience dorm food at my school. She claims it's way better than it was at UCSC when she was there, but to that I say, you don't hafta eat it all the time. She bought three odwallas, four odwalla bars, and a case of 24 arizona ice teas. I still have over $600 on my meal plan to spend in the next three weeks. Can you say not gonna happen?

The concert went very well. My family said they could tell my voice from everyone else's which is kinda scary, but at the same time kinda cool. They say I need to get an agent or something. I think they're exaggerating a tad. Hopefully this will give me more confidence though. I can sing, oh yes I can :::trying to convince self:::

After the concert, we decided a good spot to eat dinner would be Salinas since the parents and the aunt were headed back to the bay area, Karen was headed back to LA, and Jenny and I were going back to school. (Jenny joined us for dinner.) The only restaurant I could think of in Salinas was Olive Garden, so that's where we went. I hadn't been to Olive Garden in aaaaaaaages. Mmm.. breadsticks. Anypoo, I have lots of leftovers from Denny's and Olive Garden :o) That'll keep me from spending the $600. Oh well...

Since Karen's been gone we've discovered that she left her toothbrush and her bag of snacks for the road. It's nice to know some things never change.

I'm not very well prepared for the negotiation tomorrow, but I don't really know how to prepare. Hum.

I sur-pose I'm done. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.