You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Conversation Hearts, Not Nuts
February 6, 2003 - 10:52 p.m.

I'm going home tomorrow. The main reason for the trip home is my dad's birthday dinner on Saturday night. Other than that, I just like going home. But I think you coulda guessed that.

Today started out icky but turned out purdy good. After poopy math, Jenny and I decided to go to Cannery Row. I hadn't been there in awhile, so it was cool doing the touristy thing. It was a really nice day too. We went to a candy store, and I spent $10 on candy. Terrible terrible terrible. They had such GOOD candy though. While walking down the street we found out that we have been lied to our entire lives. You probably have too. Squirrels don't like nuts; squirrels like conversation hearts. There was a fence leading to a beachy area, and the area was just swarming with squirrels. Two people were standing by the fence feeding conversation hearts to the squirrels. It was crazy. They were just gobbling them up like.... candy. The candy made them very people-loving too. Maybe it was just because I had a bag of candy in my hand, and they thought I was about to feed them. All I know is that this one squirrel walked up to me and gave me the cute little squirrel eyes. I just wanted to pet the little pooper.

Tomorrow I hafta get up early even though I don't have school. Booooo. Stupid doctor appointment. After the appointment I getta go home though. Weeeeeee!

Y'know, I'm not minding this semester so much. I like most of my classes a lot actually. I'm not getting shitloads of homework. I'm getting homework, but not too too much. My schedule works out purdy well except the whole getting up early thing. I think all I need is a job and for Charlie to live here, and then I'll LOVE life. Yeah, I know, dream on.

Daily Show's on.. yay! Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.