You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

A Complaint... and Then Some
July 2, 2002 - 7:58 p.m.

Howdy. I'm gonna be honest with you. The main reason for this entry is complaining purposes. I have had a canker sore on my lip since Saturday, and it's not getting any better. In fact, I think it's still getting worse. It grows bit by bit every day, and now it's probably about a quarter of an inch in diameter. That, for a canker sore, is huge. I don't think kanka really helps either.. I mean it makes the damn thing feel better, but it was even worse when I woke up this morning after I used kanka about five or six times yesterday. Grrrr. It wasn't bugging me as much today, so I decided to eat a chupa chup. Bad idea! The lollipop is now securely sitting in its original wrapper awaiting a time when pain does not so greedily inhabit my existance.

Now that I have that off my chest, let's move on to normal topics such as Ash St. today. It was ok. Our kids were roudy, but I wasn't nearly as exhausted at the end of the day. I think it was so bad yesterday cuz of the heat. I did get hit in the head by a dodgeball today. That wasn't very pleasant. I had to sit down for a bit, and I had a headache for awhile. Oh well, that's life. We don't have a good cheer yet. Everything I come up with the kids don't like, and Sara and Nicole aren't helping much in that department. I think it's cuz they figure I'll get it done since I'm such a song-y kinda person. I sing the moose song with my kids often, and they love it. Nicole and I are trying to think of some way we can make it work for our group name (the hummingbirds). I think I might have an idea. We'll hafta see.

In the last few days I've finished reading three books. You know that amazing feeling of accomplishment you get at the end of a book? I've gotten it three times! First I finished the fourth Harry Potter book, which as all Harry fans will know is the longest thus far. It's also the longest book I've ever read. And it's intended for children. What does that say about me? hehe. I also finished the Lurlene McDaniel book I started during the grad nite bus rides (I didn't wanna carry big-ass Harry with me). And lastly, I finished another Lurlene McDaniel book which was actually three, three... THREE stories in one! Her books can always make me cry. I think I've read too many of them though (umm.. I've read all of them) cuz I predicted the depressing ending to Laura's Heart. Or maybe it was just because I had the same name as the main character. It's that psychic Laura bond. You just wouldn't understand.

Speaking of lack of understandingment (I love making up words), I just don't understand these people who sign on and put on an away message right away. What's the point? Oh, and the people who put on sleeping away messages overnight that say, "I'm sleeping, shouldn't you be too?" Yeah, ok, MOM. Maybe I should really consider removing people I don't actually talk to from my buddylist.

Well this surely ended up being a lot longer than I had planned. Well, slap me and call me tattoobelly. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.