You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

More Complaining
March 14, 2001 - 8:26:40 PM

So I suppose it's time to enlighten my readers with another beautiful entry.

That first sentence makes me sound really conceited. I'm not, I tell ya, not! I just like to exaggerate.

Life has been the same lately.. stressful. That's something that never seems to change, at least until summer comes. Ah, summer. So close, yet so far. I never got the chance to make that paper-chain thingy. I got tired. Well, at least when I do it there will be less chains to add. Yay. Third quarter is almost over... so that means like 10 more weeks of school. Ah, the ecstasy that will be summer.

Today was uneventful. In choir we learned choreography for I'm Beginning to See the Light (the sex song). It's rather risque. Our part of the concert should be purdy entertaining with that song and Dansi Na Kuimba. They should just call the concert "Beginning Choir Students Shaking their Asses." I can see it now.

We're watching this movie in history called Rosewood. It's really moving. I almost cried twice today. I think it's better than Amistad, personally. That's just me though.

At lunch we had fun on the "beach" once again. After the bell rang this girl walked by and was like, "you guys totally stole my idea!" She claimed she thought of it before us.. riiiiiiiight. That's why we've been on the sand for three days and she hasn't. We were like oh well, you snooze you lose. She said she's gonna bring a cooler and beach ball.. should be interesting seeing her try to fit that in a locker.

I had major writer's block in Mr. Bookout's class. My essays sucked. I did all my notes last night, so they sucked too. I'm not doing very well with this book. It.. sucks. What's the word of the day, children??

So after school I began my search for sources for my history report. I found my five internet sources easily. I have two TV shows for sourcese, which leaves three. Jenny and I went to the library to find newspaper or magazine articles. Unfortunately, all the libraries in Alameda county only have one article on sexism in music. Yay. So we got some Jones Soda and then went to the two book stores in the mall. I didn't have any luck there either. I'm gonna ask Ms. Kirby if I can use music videos. If not, I'm screwed. I'll hafta choose another topic or something.

I didn't go to dance class tonight. I needed the break. I've been going non-stop all week. So I'm just sitting at this puter chatting my ass off. I should be reading Cuckoo's crap or doing my study guide for history, but I'm not. And I couldn't care less. I'll stress over that shit, but I'll get it over with. Work is starting to lose its affect on me which worries me. It used to worry me so I'd get it done. Now I just wait till the last minute and spend endless hours annoyed and frustrated. You'd think I'd learn, but I don't. I just want to enjoy life. Why can't I fucking enjoy life????

Well, I'm a tad busy, so I'm gonna end this nonsense. Till the next complaint-filled entry.. ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.