You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Free Child
September 3, 2001 - 8:59 p.m.

Howdy! This is most likely the last entry you will read of mine as a free child. Free because school is starting tomorrow. Child because next summer I'll be an adult by law. That's some freaky shit.

Anyfuck, I'm trying to look at this school year optimistically. I have made my schedule extremely easy (aside from AP English) on purpose. I have two academic classes.. one of which won't have all that much hw. I'm just afraid my vocal chords might get a little pissed at me cuz of the two choir classes.. oh well.

Yesterday Mr. Pittner called and said they changed my econ class from 6th period to 4th so now I have 6th period free. YAY! I getta go home at 1:43!!! And on Thursdays I getta go home at 11:25! I'm beginning to like this whole senior thing, and it hasn't even started yet. Plus, I have Mr. Crosby for econ now instead of Mr. Johnson, and he's supposed to be the better teacher, so I totally lucked out.

I am sounding very valley girl this entry. I'm sorry. I live in California, it's bound to happen every once in awhile.

Speaking of being a senior, I got the proofs for my senior pictures on Friday, and they turned out purdy good. They didn't do the touching up yet, so I still have zits. That wasn't very flattering. Unfortunately, my favorite one is kinda off center, so my mom's gonna call the company and see if that can be changed.

My mom's actually letting me go out tonight.. and it's a school night. It's a minor miracle. I convinced her to let me if I'm home by 11:30 to take a shower. I also used the fact that I'm prolly not gonna go to sleep till 3 as reasoning, and it worked purdy well. It's true.. I've been going to bed at 3 and waking up at noon for the last two weeks, there's no way that's gonna change tonight, especially since I'll be dreading school so much. Yeah, so Jenny and I are gonna do something after she gets off work. I dunno what yet. We'll prolly get some Jones Soda at Bay Street or something since I hafta be home in an hour and a half.

I think the main reason why I'm in such a good mood right is cuz I finally finished all of my AP hw for the summer. I know I'll prolly get more tomorrow (I might even hafta write an essay first period..ugh), but this one assignment has been weighing on me for three months. It's a great weight off my shoulders.

There has been some really weird stuff typed in that chatbox down there recently. All the different languages are just throwing me off! Luckily I have people to translate all of them. That is by no means a request for more stuff I have to get translated though!

Alright, I think I'm done now. I'll prolly write an entry tomorrow about how I like (or don't like) my classes. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.