You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

March 4, 2001 - 9:02:34 PM

Three entries in one day... ooooooo. I am quite the addict now, aren't I? Actually, I just write entries whenever I have the time just in case I don't have the time later. You never know anymore with how often I've had to skip entries lately.

I can't see Spacemuppet's new entry again, and it's pissin me off! He explained why that happens, and it should show up in a bit, but I'm still rather frustrated. It's annoying knowing there's an entry there to read, yet I can't read it.

So tonight we went to eat in SF. We were gonna go to some Thai place, but we found out it was non-existant after walking to where Karen's co-workers said it was. That was rather annoying, since it was raining and all. We ended up going to this place called Pasta Pomodoro. It was purdy good. I, of course, got a chicken caesar salad.

Karen liked the cd's I burned her, which is cool. She was all wiped, so she didn't seem very enthused about em, but she claimed she was just lacking the ability to express that kinda excitement. Hmmm...

I just heard this really weird noise and I have no idea where it came from. I am currently scared shitless. Eek. I need my bwanky. I lost Bwanky when I was nine in Florida when the maid at our hotel room thought it was a rag and threw it away. My mom searched the dumpsters at the hotel for it, but didn't find it. I spent that night crying a lot. It was hard to adjust to not sleeping with a blanket. Then the hotel called the other hotel we stayed at in Disney World and said they had found a blanket that might be it in the cleaning room. We went to see if that was it, but it wasn't. I was so upset. I thought I was gonna get Bwanky back. We bought a new blanket and my mom sewed old pieces of Bwanky on it that had fallen off, but it wasn't the same. I couldn't sleep with it.

Whoa, talk about your tangents. I was making a joke, and then I ended up telling the story of Bwanky.

Yeah, so I didn't get that art hw finished. I need to do it before I go to sleep tonight. I'm kinda tired, so I think after I write this I'm gonna take a shower and head off to bed to do my hw and listen to music.

I finally met all of Karen's housemates. Allen's cute. Yum. He's kinda 26 though, so that's a tad old for me. Oh well, I can still look.

I'm kinda in an icky mood right now. I don't really wanna talk about why. If this was a diary that no one reads, I would, but it isn't. I'd just feel kinda sheepish saying why. I know, that's stupid, but oh well. Maybe I'll write some poetry after I draw to make me feel better.

I really don't wanna go to school tomorrow. This weekend went by waaaaaaaaaay too fast. I hardly even had time to enjoy it. I'm going head-first into another stressful week and there's nothing I can do about it. There seems to never be enough time anymore.

I hate having my birthday on weekdays. I like weekends sooooo much better cuz then I can spend the day doing whatever I want. That's how it should be. Instead, I hafta be a slave to education. Blah. I hate school. I hope people actually remember my birthday this year. Last year I had to remind everyone but Stephanie Hoehn. That made me upset. As soon as I got in my mom's car after school I started crying. She tried to convince me not to take my driving test cuz I was so upset, but I said I wanted to anyway. So I had to pull myself together in the DMV parking lot. Luckily, I passed, but I still think it was my worst birthday. The party wasn't much fun either cuz it was when I had just broken up with Nick and him and Nick didn't like me much. He sat in the corner of my house moping. Hardly anyone came to my party too. Oh well, the people who mattered did. That's why I'm only inviting close friends to my celebration this year. They'll most likely come, and I don't hafta feel like no one cares about me.

Well, I think I've accomplished my much-needed venting. Sorry if this entry seemed like a pity party. I think sometimes people just need to feel bad. It's part of being human.

I'm gonna go now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.