You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

February 16, 2001 - 6:20:35 PM

Howdy. Bitter Lorah here. That's the name Claudia has given me. She says I'm not as happy as I usually am lately.. which is true. I don't know how to help it though.

Today wasn't as bad as I expected. I survived. I actually think I did purdy well on the second part of the math test. Yay, go me! But... I have shitloads of hw again this weekend. This is Lorah full-fledged in the middle of second semester. Bah humbug.

Today was my last day on the switch board. I'm gonna miss not being able to check my email and read diaries at work, but at least I won't hafta deal with the godforsaken phone.

We had Popeye's for dinner. Yum. This time I got the fries, too. They're quite tasty.

I've been searching for colleges lately online. I think I've got some good options going for me now. I have about five colleges I'm looking at so far. I hafta narrow it down so my mom and I can go looking during Spring Break.

Tonight I finally caught Jeremy. He was online last couple days, too, but I wasn't cuz of all that damn hw I had. It felt good to talk to him. Although it probably didn't seem like it, he really lifted my spirits. At the same time, though, I feel kinda depressed cuz it's one of those wanting-what-you-can't-have situations. It's weird.. no amount of time, pain, distance, or other relationships has ruined my feelings for him. It's kinda peaceful, but at the same time kinda scary. I don't like having someone I've never even met have this kinda affect over me. I just hope some day I get to meet him.

Joe and I are supposed to go bowling in about 15 mins. Jenny was gonna come too, but she might not be able to cuz she isn't feeling very well. It might be kinda boring with just two of us. Maybe we can invite Claudia and/or Jessica.

I think I better end this so I can get my act together as far as the bowling event is concerned. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.