You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Another Sucky Day
February 15, 2001 - 9:32:31 PM

Well, what do you know? I have more than two seconds to write an entry! Amazing!

In general, today sucked. Not as much as yesterday, but it sucked, nonetheless. Didja see that, Jenny? It's not just in essays anymore.. eek!

I didn't do that well on the math test. There were two problems I'm completely sure I got wrong, and I wasn't totally postitive about most of them. There were only eight problems.. the rest of the test (no calculator part) is tomorrow. I'm afraid, but I've come to the state where math tests don't scare me anymore. It's not that I think I'm gonna do well on it, it's that I know worrying about it doesn't change the situation at all. It's like after worrying for a certain amount of time, you become immune to worrying. Does that make any sense?

ASL was boring. We had to go up and sign our part for the Silent Night thing.. twice. For those of us who have two parts (me), we had to go up four times. Joy. I don't like that class cuz my Great Friend is in it. It's hard to ignore him when he's there. I think my feelings for him are gradually starting to go away. There are so many negative aspects of his personality, I'm allowing them to build up to non-attraction. That's a good thing, cuz I know I'll never get what I want from him, but at the same time it kinda sucks cuz it means I don't have a crush anymore. I find myself more lonely when I don't have a crush cuz I'm obsessing over the fact that I have nothing, no options or anything, rather than just the fact that I don't have that someone.

Art was ok. I wasn't in my usual crazy mood. Renita noticed, too. She said I seemed sad. I told her it was left over from Valentine's Day. I was also kinda bothered cuz stupid 4th-grade-crush was hanging out at our table so I couldn't be myself. He's one of those people that no matter what I do, I can't get out of my life.

Work was successful. I'm not minding work lately cuz it allows me to get hw done without procrastinating and cuz after tomorrow I don't hafta work the switchboard anymore.. yay! They finally hired somebody perminately. I dunno if that's so wonderful though, cuz it means I hafta shred and scan from now on. That can be rather boring. At least I getta listen to my choice of music while doing it. Anyfuck (that was for you, Claud), I finished the AP questions for English and the reading at work. I went to pick Joe up from track practice again (I'm so damn nice). Then I came home and did the six essays. I didn't finish till 8, just in time for Friends. Yup, when Friends ended I signed on, and here I am! Yes, I know that doesn't add up, but I had to read mail and other diaries.. duh!

I keep missing Jeremy when he signs on.. grrr! Fuck an egg! He wrote an entry about how his Valentine's Day sucked. Poor guy.

Well, I just realized what time it is and that I hafta sign off in four mins. Well, poop. I just sneezed. Thought I'd share.

Hallelujah, tomorrow's Friday!

Me go now, ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.