You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Nothing Exciting
October 1, 2001 - 7:19 p.m.

Ugh, it's October, that means I have to make a new archive page. Do you have any idea how long that takes when you have 370 entries? One hell of a long time, that's how long.

Still bored. Still putting off my English essay when I could be writing it. Still not really caring. Still probably subconsciously looking forward to stressing out about it on Thursday. Well, I guess it wouldn't be subconscious if I already realize that's what I'm doing.

My left hand feels all carpal tunnel-y. I hate that. I've been typing too much apparently. At least my back isn't currently hurting. The pain moves around my body, I swear. Tomorrow it'll be my neck or something. Ah, to be out of shape. It's the life.

Yeah, so I don't getta babysit Jennifer's sister. Poo. That means no job for Lorah until November or something. I'm sick of searching for now. I'd rather put off English essays till the night before they're due and actually have a day of activity every once in awhile.

I feel like I'm not making sense in this entry, is that so? Anyone, anyone?

There are currently 15 people on my buddylist and I have a grand total of......... ZERO people IMing me. Oy vey. If Joe was actually home he'd be IMing me probably, but he's always doing various nerdy after school things.

I have Weezer stuck in my head, but my Weezer cd's in the car so I can't listen to it. sonofabitch. Maybe I'll go listen to Clau's Fuel cd I burned to get it outta my head. Yeah.




Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.