You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Let's Go Oakland ::Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap::
July 6, 2003 - 1:06 a.m.

Tonight was fun.

My dad and I went to the A's game. It was a pyrospectacular because of... y'know.. that patriotic holiday that occurred yesterday. It was the largest crowd ever at an A's game, and wow, mass humanity is scary.

My first funny story of the night happened when we were starting our trip to Oakland. As soon as we got on the freeway, my dad realized there was stuff in the bed of his truck that he hadn't covered up. I told him to let it fly away cuz I didn't wanna go 55 the whole way there and get shitty seats because of it. He took it upon himself to pull over. On the freeway. Like... right in front of an exit sign on the little divider. I sat in the passenger seat half-laughing, half-scared shitless that a cop would come and make our trip to the game even longer. Luckily, this did not happen, and we were on our way.

The traffic was terrible. We had to park in a lot on the other side of the freeway from the call-a-see-um (can't spell that word for the life of me) and hike our way to will call and then to our seats. We didn't get shitty bleacher seats, just semi-shitty ones. There were annoying Angel fans in our section though. Booooo Angels.

The Angels won. Again, Booo Angels. During the game I decided to get a malt because it is my tradition. I ended up in line for a fricken half hour. There were four men in front of me who decided to buy out the whole fuckin concession stand. They had like at least five each of the following items: beers, sodas, malts, pretzels. I made pissed off eyes at them. Making pissed off eyes is fun.

My dad and I knew there was no way we'd get good seats on the lawn because we didn't last year, and obviously there weren't as many people that time. We decided to try to watch the fireworks from the parking lot, and we got to the side of the stadium where we knew the fireworks are usually shot off (we're pros at the pyrospectacular, man). The show started and by god, we were RIGHT under the fireworks. It was extremely loud, but so so cool. I shoulda brought my digicam. My pyrophobia started kicking it since we were so close. I was afraid fire would fall on me. The noise started to be too much for my dad, so we decided to get a head start on the long walk to the car. We still got to see the grand finale where they shoot up a fuckload of fireworks at the same time. I'm glad we weren't under them at that point because I would have easily shit my pants. It was good stuff though, to say the least.

We got back to our car before most people, and my dad took the back roads through San Leandro. We passed the Oakland Airport on the way. I think it's a sign that I've been in too many long distance relationships when the thought of airports automatically makes me nostalgic. I'm not joking either. It's sad.

I decided I'm gonna meet my future husband at an A's game. There are some very attractive young men who like baseball. I know more about the sport than most females, so I think I can woo them with my knowledge. Is that the right word? woo? Maybe since I don't know the word, I can't do it anyway. Aside from that there's the whole hot-guys-don't-go-for-me thing. I guess that kinda rules out meeting my future husband at an A's game. Oh well.

Oh! I almost forgot the funniest part. When we were walking back to our car, we had to walk through a rather large chunk of traffic that was trying to get out of the main parking lot. At one point my dad told me to hold his hand. hehehehehe. I didn't, but I thought that was so cute. Actually, I think his exact words were "grab my arm!" I guess when you reach 19 your maturity reaches the arm grabbing as opposed to hand holding point. I guess I'll keep this in mind for when I have children of my own.

This conclude my adventures for today. Tomorrow: work. Hum, something tells me I won't be writing about my day tomorrow. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.