You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

I Seem to Have Lost My Mind
October 15, 2003 - 7:05 p.m.

I always write when there are other things I should be doing. Tonight those things consist of:

1) studying for earth science quiz tomorrow in which I have to identify rocks. Not just igneous rocks, not just sedimentary rocks, not just metamorphic rocks, but all of these put together. Shoot me please. I know which rocks are which in each individual category, but you throw a buncha black rocks together, and I couldn't tell basalt from shale to save my life. This is not looking good, especially since I don't have rocks to study from, just notes on rocks that are crossed out and scribbled on like crazy. Once again for emphasis, shoot me please.

2) Homework for the same class. I hate that class. Three hours. I miss the dc being open for dinner to go to it. I miss Survivor. I bearly get home in time for Friends and I hafta starve until 8:30 when I can drive to quizno's or subway. And the goddamn class is only one unit.

3) Packing. I'm going hooooome tomorrow! I'm leaving immediately after the dreaded class. My mom is taping Friends and Will and Grace for me. Then on Friday night I'm seeing my favoritist band that ever banded, SAVES THE DAY! Ah, there was a time when I feared I'd never getta see them live because Chris Conley had colon cancer. Those were sad sad times. But Friday I will see them and Taking Back Sunday, which is also a cool band, although I fear the moshpits that will result from their music.

Wow, I went off on detailed tangents during all of those numbers. I obviously I have a lot to say, and I have not been saying it.

Now you may be wondering why I'm writing when I have so much stuff I should be doing. I think I'll number these reasons too:

1) I'm procrastinating. duh.

2) My roommate's gone and therefore won't ask me why I'm typing. Yesterday she saw me reading livejournals and asked how you get an online diary. I never thought she was smart enough to figure out that was what I was reading! We are talking the dumb blonde to top all dumb blondes here! In short, she was about this [] close to asking me for my diary url, and that is information I will never give her. Not after all of the shit talking I've done about her in here. I mean, just look at THIS paragraph! In other words, I must choose my time to write entries carefully.

Aside from why I shouldn't be writing and why I am writing, I don't have much to say.

Oh! On Monday I went to the bookstore on campus and bought the new Captain Underpants book. It is very exciting. I've been reading it a bit every night because I wanna make it last. Who knows when Dav Pilkey will write the next one! Tra-la-laaa!

I wanna go to the great mall this weekend cuz I feel the need to buy dickies, and I lost my ring that you can only get at black market minerals, and that's the only black market minerals I know of, and it's probably the only one period, and I'm just gonna keep this run-on sentence going because if you're gonna fuck up you oughta do it right, and it's been too long since I've been to the great mall, and I keep meaning to ask ezi if she wants to go with me but she isn't online much anymore because she lost her dsl and is on dialup now, and that sucks a lot, and I don't know if she'd wanna go anyway cuz she hates malls but I haven't seen her in a long time and she lives mere blocks from the great mall and I think I'm done with this sentence now.


I think I've eaten too many pillow mints today. They are so addictive. If you wanna win my heart over, just send me some pillow mints. Hell, if you wanna win my heart over just be male and available and attractive in some way, ok? Ok.

I'm done with this madness. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.