You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

I'm Moving Tomorrow Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
August 17, 2002 - 4:24 p.m.

Howdy. It feels like I've been away from diaryland for ages. I really just haven't written in a few days cuz I've been busy busy busy.

Thursday was the open house for Ash St. My kids performed my dance very well, and my mom got it on tape. I was so proud. Hehe.. it was the first time a dance I've choreographed was performed in front of a big group of people, so I was purdy excited. By that time, however, I just wanted to get the hell away from Ash. That place was driving me crazy. I wasn't planning on doing anything after open house, but a bunch of people organized a dinner at IHOP. The details are kinda complicated, but long story short, the staff basically got divided into two groups: the clique and the non-clique. The clique, of course, consisted of Laurie and all her favorites. The non-clique was the rest of us. Apparently Laurie lied to Tawnya about how she "wasn't going to Chili's" and then went there. IHOP was fun though. The non-clique didn't realize we all felt the same way about the clique until we got there, and it was a shit talking fest. It's nice to know that a professional workplace can be so mature :o) After IHOP, we all decided to go bowling and we invented a billion inside jokes in the process that we could rub in the faces of the clique (they always have inside jokes at staff meetings). Well, as you may imagine, on the last day of Ash St (yesterday), all hell broke loose and it was a shit talking drama fest. Needless to say, Ash St didn't exactly end on a good note (in fact, Naomi turned into the biggest bitch when she realized people were saying she doesn't do her job, and she went ape shit at the staff meeting), but I'm glad to be gone. I enjoyed the last couple days, as sad as it may seem, cuz I actually found out that a good number of people felt the same way I do.

Last night Joe and I were gonna meet up with some coworkers to go ice skating, but that fell through. We couldn't find them, so we gave up and went to Bay Street. Out of pure coincidence, Nicole, Janelle, Guillermo, Joey, Melisa, Melisa's boyfriend, and Jennifer came in to Bay Street two seconds after we sat down with our Jones Soda. It was purdy funny. Nicole and Janelle were wired.. I don't know where they got all the energy, but they were a bit much for Joe and me to handle. After they left, Joe was like, "Is it just me or do I feel really old and not cool right now?" It was purdy funny. After we left, we went to my house and watched Big Brother.

That brings me to today. I packed. Yup, that's about all. I still have stuff to pack in the morning, but aside from that I'm purdy much done. I can't believe I'm moving out tomorrow. It just doesn't seem possible. Yesterday when I was saying bye to Jennifer at Ash St I started crying. That made Joe cry. So we were standing there crying, and it wasn't even because of Ash St ending hehe. I think I kinda scared poor Amy though. I guess that would be kinda like seeing your teacher cry.

Well, I'm going out to eat with my parents and Joe and Clau tonight as my last dinner at home for awhile :::sigh::: I'll be back in two weeks, but yeah.. still kinda weird. We're going to Tony Roma's cuz that's where I chose to go. They have the best buffalo wings. Yum.

This entry prolly seemed purdy spuratic and not very interesting. I hope I haven't lost any readers! Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.