You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

January 15, 2001 - 8:40:15 PM

My sister got Spark by Tori Amos stuck in my head. That sucks cuz I don't know the lyrics to this one part. Maybe I should go look them up since I have the cd and all.

I like food way too much. I have a tummy ache and I still wanna eat. Why? I'm a weirdo.

So today was rather uneventful, but a few changes occurred. They all happened within like a half hour of each other. Weird shit. I'll number them just to look organized and crap.

1. I finished my essay. Yay! What a load off my shoulders. Ok, I started it today too, but the point is I got it done. And it is, of course, a masterpiece of BS. Tehe.

2. Zach IMed me. He apologized and said he wanted to be friends. Yay again! That made me happy for some reason, even though I've been telling myself lately that he's an asshole. I think that's just me trying to make myself feel better. I've always thought he was a cool person even though he hurt me.. a lot.

3. Karen got a room. Yay again again! No more sharing of the bathroom and the puter! No more Karen being bitchy to me cuz she's frustrated with her lack of living arrangements! Plus, she's gonna live in SF a block from this street with tons of stores on it and stuff. My friends and I can go visit and go virtually anywhere in SF for a buck. AND! Her housemates' friend is going out with the guitarist of Stroke 9. Just a lil trivia for you there, but yeah, I thought it was cool.

I played Mario Teaches Typing tonight, so now my wrists kinda hurt from typing too much on the mac cuz it doesn't have one of those wrist thingies. Yeah, I dunno if that made sense.

Has anyone noticed how my writing in this thing changes? It's like.. I can write really serious and proper and then when I'm just feeling lazy I write like this.. hehe.

Wow, I was just looking at my hair, and I realized I have a lot of dandruff again. I didn't have it for awhile, but it came back. Aaaahh.. dandruff back from the dead! The shampoo I'm using must not be dandruffless crap. It's for thin, greasy hair like mine, so if I use anything else, my hair will just get more greasy. Don't want that. no, no, no. My hair's greasy enough already. I think I'd rather have dandruff than grease. Y'know how I put my hair in weird uneven pigtails yesterday? I think I really would wear it to school like that to see how people react. I dunno though, I need an extra lil something to get me to do it. Maybe if someone paid me? hehe.

Wow, I'm talking about hair. This is really not like me. People who are reading my diary for the first time are probably like, "ew, what a girly girl." That's not me! Now I hafta do something non-girly. Uh.. um... :::burps::: ah, there we go.

Might I remind you I am not wearing make up right now, nor will I ever (except at dance shows cuz we have to)!!!

There is too much snot in my nose. Fuck an egg.

Know what's gonna be fun? My dad's turning 50 in February, so we're gonna have a big party with family and friends. My parents said I can invite Jenny, Monica, and Jennifer. It should be interesting. My whole family will be getting drunk and we'll be like.. uh.. let's turn on some Blink 182, they won't notice. Maybe we'll play 31. Oooo.. 31 is some fun shit.

Y'know, I think I write better when I'm really depressed. What do you think?

Anyfuck, with the essay done, and closure with Zach, and Karen moving out, I feel a sense of relief. Even though I'm not like out of my confused, depressed, skeptical thinking stage, I feel a tad bit of relief. That's a good thing... I think.

I think I'll shave my legs tonight.

"How many fates turn around in the overtime ballerinas that have fins that you'll never find. You thought that you were the bomb, yeah well so did I." ~Tori Amos

Me go now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.