You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

NP Appointment
March 30, 2001 - 6:07 p.m.

Howdy! Sowwy I didn't write an entry yesterday. I was too busy to. Busy watching TV... hahaha. Well, and doing hw... kinda.

First of all I'll give the details of my lovely nurse practitioner (I have no idea if I spelled that right) appointment. When my mom made the appointment, I got to choose if I wanted to go to a pediatrician or an adult NP. I chose pediatrics cuz I like looking at all the kids in the waiting room. I love kids, y'know. When I got there yesterday, they asked if I had my mom with me. I said no, so they had to call her. That's really lame. I'm old enough to go to an adult doctor, I think I'm old enough to drive myself to the pediatrician. Besides, they never call my parents for my derm appointments. Well, that was all solved, and they gave me a consent form my mom hasta sign before I go again.

So I go in, wait for another 5 hours before the NP finally comes, and explain my situation. She asks about my eating habits and my cycle, then she proceeds to ask all the questions they hafta ask teenagers. This is how the conversation went:

Catherine (that's how she introduced herself to me): Are you sexually active?

Me: No.

Catherine: Not even oral sex?

Me: No.

Catherine: Do you ever take drugs?

Me: No.

Catherine: Are you sure? We can't tell your parents anything you say.. this is strictly confidential.

Me: Yeah, no.

Catherine: (After a few more questions about smoking and alcohol that I answered no to... rather uneasily cuz SHE had me thinking I was lying when I knew I wasn't.) Are you in school?

Me: Yes.

Cathy: What grade?

Me: Junior year.

Cathy: Do you like school?

Me: No.

Cathy: What do you like about school?

Me: Uh.............................

Cathy: Do you find it hard to get motivated?

Me: Yeah.....

Cathy: Do you ever wanna hurt yourself?

Me: No.

Well, after she felt me up (I hate that!) and went to talk to my doctor (during which I went to the bathroom.. thinking of what I did like about school... teachers, friends, lunch....) she came back and told me I need to eat better. All that crap for eating better. She told me to keep a diary of what I eat for 1-2 weeks and come back to see Dr. Mody. Great, I hafta go back to that hell hole. PLUS, she said I might be depressed since I don't like school and tiredness is one of the symptoms of depression. She said if I ever need someone to talk to I could see a counselor. Right. I feel on edge going to a fuckin nurse practitioner who was giving me looks like I'm drug-addict whore. How would I ever handle a psychiatrist? And since when was it set in stone that anyone who doesn't enjoy school is depressed? HOLY HELL!!!

So today I started my lovely well-eating diet. I had a healthy Blimpie's sandwich for lunch and still felt light-headed after school. Something tells me my buddy Catherine doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about. Plus, I can't get an after school appointment with Dr. Mody till like after spring break, so I hafta keep a stupid diary saying everything I eat for that long. I feel like a fuckin lab rat. GREAT! Whose brilliant idea was this whole going to the doctor thing? Oh, mine... oops.

Last night I watched the Road Rules/Real World challenge, The Andy Dick Show, Once and Again, Friends, and Survivor. I hardly ever watch TV, it was rather odd. I enjoyed myself though. I hardly had time to do hw, but I enjoyed myself nonetheless.

Today Aley came to school from lunch till the end of school. She came to Mr. Bookout's class with us, and it was rather funny. He introduced her to the whole class and made a big deal when there was something about an alley cat in what we were reading. We started reading a play with a character with my name.. so he was like, "Laura.. would you like to read Laura's part :::dorky laugh:::" I said sure. Didn't have many lines... so it was all good. He was asking Aley tons of questions about Idaho and even invited her to sit in his lazy boy chair. It was purdy funny. For sixth period she went to Joe's math class which was extremely boring. Clau was upset that she didn't come to art with us.

Jenny made me pump the bass and turn on Papa Roach on the way home. I think I shall lose my hearing at a young age.

Well, our wonderful study session for tomorrow's SAT's starts around 6:45ish tonight, so I best be going now. I hafta pick up Joe and maybe Clau. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.