You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

600 Down, A Billion More to Go
October 31, 2002 - 6:42 p.m.


Did I scare you?

Well, yeah, that's the extent of my Halloween spirit.. hehe. Ok, so I've IMed a few people wishing them a happy halloween, but I'm just not into it this year for some reason. Jenny and I (and possibly Kevin) are gonna go to some... abandoned prison on the army base. Eek. I don't like scary shit like that, but there's nothing else to do.

Do you know what this is though? No, not Halloween. It's my 600th entry! Aaaaaahhh! How am I gonna celebrate? Well, I filled out one of the newly popular diaryland trading cards, so I thought that was somewhat exciting. Here you go:

Diaryland Trading Cards!

member since 07-21-00
600 entries

Supergold Edition

Description: An 18 year old dorky girl writing about her everyday life and usually complaining in the process. Sarcasm is also an added bonus.

Strengths: Rants, complaints, rambling, making up words, working with kids, and uh.. SARCASM!

Weaknesses: Kitty cats, candy, Wendy's, stickers, PMS, music, tearjerker movies and books, kids, reality television, Jones Soda, cheese (I'm lactose intolerant), cute little Asian emo boys (ok, just one), and Diaryland in general.

Special Skills: Tap dancing, obliviously singing in my car, writing total bs, rambling, thinking of a good joke five minutes after the fact, being attracted to guys I can't be with, and eating extraordinary amounts of candy.

Weapons: My nails... they've been known to draw blood. Grrrr.

Favorite Quotation: What is essential is invisible to the eye.

Make your own Diaryland Trading Card!


This weekend is gonna suck cuz Jenny's going home and I'm not. I'm going home next weekend for the play (and hopefully to get pierced!), and I thought two weeks in a row would be a tad extreme. I know when I go home I'm not gonna wanna come back, so I'm putting it off as long as possible. Plus, next week will make five weeks away from home.. that's the most I've done. Why cut it short? I mean, it would be the most I've done now if I went home, but if you're gonna break a record you might as well break it hard. Maybe this weekend I'll actually hang out in the hallway and scare the shit out everyone and humor Keith. That would be interesting. We shall see.

Tomorrow Jenny and I are hopefully going to Santa Cruz. We're gonna see Bowling for Columbine cuz my sister's been begging me to see it. She's a whore for mgm now, I swear. Give the girl a job, and she's a freakin advertiser. Aaanyfuck, that should be fun.

I suppose that's all I have to say for now. This wasn't the most exciting 600th entry, but thems the breaks. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.