You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Winking 2001
February 27, 2001 - 6:32:08 PM

Good god, I'm online at 6:30! It's a small miracle. Amazing. Wow. Not that there isn't hw I could be doing.. I just don't feel like it. Oops, did I type that? What I meant to say was it's not due tomorrow. When I'm online and bored later tonight I'm gonna do some art hw. Or at least that's the plan.

Why is it that Bush is always squinting? Raise your fucking eyebrows!!!

It's really degrading when you're online and the only IM's you get are from porn people. I'm lonely. Someone IM me please. Radkitty is my sn.. IM me!

Today was alright I guess. Nothing terrible happened. I brought the spell book to school and my friends had fun reading spells at brunch and lunch. The one on how to get a lover to call is by far the most amusing. You hafta take a picture of you and a picture of your lover and place them on top of each other (face to face), do some other crap, and then put it in your underwear drawer. Where do they come up with this shit?

Jenny had a cheese wheel again. I wore it to class and got many stares. I even got called Rudolph. The point is clown, people, clown! When I did my lecture in Mr. Bookout's class he made me wear the clown nose in front of the class. I wasn't as nervous as my history presentation yesterday, but it wasn't exactly the high point of my day.

The guys in my art class get on my nerves sometimes. Most of the time. Their maturity is so.... non-existant. I think I may copy Claudia's idea and bring a walkman to class. I liked it so much better when our table was just Claudia, Renita, Victoria, and me.

I'm kinda enjoying my job now. I just scan the whole hour or two I'm there. It's boring, but I don't have the responsibility I did at the front desk.

I'm trying to organize some kinda get-together for my birthday. I think we're gonna go to the roller rink in Milpitas.. if they'll let us. Last time we tried to go they were closed to the public...

This entry is taking forever to type, and it's not even that long yet. It's cuz I'm IMing Jessica. She actually is probably gonna be able to go to my birthday celebration! Yay! And she's gonna help drive too, so we don't need parents.. woo hoo!

Y'know what I miss about the year 2000? I don't getta make happy faces outta the 00's on my dates anymore. There's no face you can make outta an 01. If the 1 was horizontal instead of vertical it could be a winking smiley, but noooooo, mathematicians had to make it vertical. Another reason why math sucks.

Don't you hate it when you like a song you don't wanna like cuz of who sings it? I'm not a big fan of Lenny Kravitz.. at all. He seems like a big ol' Jimi Hendrix wannabe to me. I mean, I don't know him, so I can't really judge him, but that's what it looks like. Not to mention the fact that his lyrics are rather generic. I think my 5 year-old cousin could write better lyrics. But that damn song Again has drawn me in! Grrrr! It's so... catchy.

It appears as though Spacemuppet likes being mentioned in diaries. Therefore, Spacemuppet, Spacemuppet, SPACEMUPPET!!! Hehe.. that was fun.

"I touch your hand, touch your face. I think the fruit is rotten. Give me lessons on how to breathe cuz I think I've forgotten." ~Nickleback

Ok, I'm gonna end this nonsense now cuz it's boring and I'm not in a creative mood. Boogers! Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.