You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Independent Schmindependent
January 30, 2001 - 8:40:15 PM

Whoa. That was kinda scary. I musta written another entry at 8:40:15 PM cuz when I changed it to 8 there was a drop-down thingy that said it. That's odd that I'm writing an entry at the exact same time. Cue the Twilight Zone music.

So today was ok. Ok... ok... ok. No big shakes. I got a D- on my math final.. eek! But I managed a C in the class, which will count as a B with the weighted gpa thing. If I got A's in all my other classes (which I'm purdy sure I did), I've still got a 4.0. That's still kinda sad though.. D-. Bad Lorah, tsk tsk. Oh hey, I DO talk in third person using my name and not BOB. Ok, nobody will understand that cuz Laura doesn't read my diary (Laura Rose, not me).

It's cold as hell in here. Why can't we just regulate a normal temperature in this house?

So Jason has decided to take on the pretend-nothing-happened role. Thanx. All that suspense for close-to-nothing. Laura said to me, "he's just gonna pretend nothing happened unless you talk to him. He doesn't write letters." Then she offered to talk to him for me. I was like, "well, I'm not gonna object or anything...." so yeah, basically she did. He didn't wanna talk to Laura about his feelings for me, or lack there of (I STILL DON'T KNOW WHICH!!!), but he told her that he was planning on emailing me. She gave him my email address. I unblocked mail after school.. cuz I always have everyone but friends blocked as a result of porn people loving my sn. (Does radkitty scream porn to anyone? It doesn't to me.. it just means kitties are rad! Stop it with the dirty minds!) Yeah, so it's 8:43 and I have yet to get an email from Jason. Surprised? Not at all. Does Jason like me at all? The world may never know.

My new art class seems ok. If it weren't for Claudia I'd prolly switch out, mainly cuz we're the only juniors in the class. The rest are freshmen. Of course, the lil twirp who had a crush on me when I was in 6th grade and he was in 4th had to be in my class. The high school schedule gods wouldn't have it any other way. Ms. Savion seems purdy cool. She's sardonic.. which is a great quality in my opinion. She kept referring to work from beginning classes as "freshmen artwork". If she refers to Claudia or my work as a freshman's, I might hafta bust a cap in her ass (bahahahahahha!) She also made a big analogy of how learning how to draw nicely is like learning how to ride a bike. She ended with, "cuz you don't wanna be 30 and not know how to ride a bike!" ha... ha... ha. Claudia was like, "how bout 17?" I have no desire to learn how to ride a bike, ok? It just was not a comparable analogy for me.

I had a dermotologist appointment after school today, so my mom didn't make me work. yay. It was rather annoying though. I had to park like two countries away from the building the derm is in. Then once I got there, I had to wait for like twenty minutes to be brought into the room, then once I put on my lovely paper shirt I had to wait for another ten minutes. The doctor came in, looked at me, and told me she'd see me in another three months. That took all of two minutes. Pointless.

My teachers decided to bless me with shitloads of hw, but I didn't really mind doing most of it. We started reading The Great Gatsby in English which I'm enjoying. It includes sarcasm which is a wonderful element. I crave books with sarcasm and satire. Mr. Bookout also gave us AP questions to do, and I had a math assignment. I finished it all though.. woo hoo. I also found a typo on the AP packet.. is that good for anything?

Ew, why do they keep playing crappy songs on my mom's soaps tonight? Do they think I want Christina Aguifuckinlera and Destiny's Child stuck in my head? Can I get a hell no?

Ok, porn people, you can stop emailing me when I'm expecting an email from Jason. It's not funny. It's just cruel. Mean, evil, cruel. Grrrr.

I'd like to comment on that stupid Destiny's Child song. I'm sorry, but pointing out all this shit you bought does not make a statement for womankind. It states that you have a lot of money. I might be impressed by your statement for women if you didn't flaunt your bodies and wear shitloads of make up to make that money. Hello... you're getting horny guys to buy your music. That would still be, in my opinion, relying on a man. Independent woman my ass.

Ok, I'm quite finished now. I enjoy releasing anger on stupid artists.. if you can call them that. I'm gonna end this rather long entry now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.