You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Painful Legs
December 21, 2000 - 12:30:45 AM

Wow.. first AM entry in awhile.

I came to a realization today. I'm a very opinionated person (I knew that already), but for some reason other opinionated people intimidate me. When I was younger, I would love to argue my beliefs with anyone, but I don't anymore. I hate arguments.. even if they're harmless. I think it's because of an instance in my history class in 8th grade when we argued over the death penalty. I was the only person in the class completely against capital punishment. It was me against the class, and it ruined me. I argued well, but I was almost near tears and I felt so infantile. I don't enjoy arguments very well anymore, even though I'm usually good at them. That's why I'm always intimidated by other opinionated people. If they have different views than me, I'm scared. If they're the same, I tend to admire them greatly.

Today was purdy fun. Jenny, Monica, Jennifer, and I went to the great mall. I finished all of my xmas shopping except for my dad. My legs really hurt after that. We were gonna eat dinner there, but at 5 Jennifer informed us (indirectly) that she had to be home by 6. This was almost impossible in rush-hour traffic in the bay area. Well, we weren't even on the freeway by 5:30... so I think you have a purdy good idea of how that went. We were going around 20 mph the entire time we were on the freeway. Oh well.

After we dropped Jennifer off we went to eat at Hobee's. Yum. I had my usual.. and Jenny and Monica had my usual too. That means coffee cake for breakfast the next few mornings! Yum!

We went to the hub after that. I don't think we bought anything, but we enjoyed looking. Zany Brainy is the coolest store ever! And I WILL get better than 16 some day! (That only makes sense to Jenny and Monica.)

We came to my house afterwards to play checkers. Monica wanted to play checkers. She kicked my ass. I suck at checkers. We listened to Teenage Wasteland and chatted online. It was fun.

I got to talk to Jerry today! Yay! He gave me crap for not calling him.. what's up with that?! Ugh.. men.

My legs hurt so much from that damn mall. Oh well.. I could use the exercise.

I got a Scoozie for Christmas. It's so cute. It must say about a dozen things. Jenny and Monica got one too. We would squeeze them at the same time and sometimes they would say the same thing.. it was funny. Yeah, I guess you had to be there.

I'm lonely. Why is there no selection of guys in this area? Why?! I know plenty of guys I would love to be with in other places, but none here. Noooooooooooo.. that would be too easy for Lorah, wouldn't it?! Then Lorah might actually :::gasp::: be happy. I have been having waaaaay too many affectionate dreams. I think it's my subconscience's way of saying "GET A MAN!" Easy for it to say...

Trains are loud. Whenever a train passes my house something shakes. Eeek. I'd be scared if I didn't grow up in this house my entire life.

Good lord, I need change.

Ok, I'm gonna go now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.