You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Edible Hands
December 19, 2000 - 10:04:36 PM

My hands smell yummy. Yummy yummy yummy. I put on this lotion my mom got for xmas from somebody at work. Lotion is one of those things that I like that most girls like. Scary, I know. I'm usually not girly at all. Only about guys, clothes, jewelry, and lotion. Damn, that list keeps getting longer. The only reason I like lotion is cuz it smells like I could eat it. But I can't eat it, so it's misleading. There, I hate lotion now. Only three girly traits.

Today was purdy ok. Online time was BORING. There was hardly anyone on. Where was everyone today?! ugh! Anycrap, Kelby was on. He wanted to hear my voice since I hadn't called him in awhile, so I gave him this wave from like a year and half ago where I'm like, "Hello, this is Laura, goodbye." He couldn't stop listening to it. An hour later I left and he was still listening to it. Geeeeeeeeeeeeez, he's like an addict. I hate my voice! It's so... high-pitched... and boring. I mumble too much. Ugh.

Yeah, so my parents and I left at 5 to go see Zoo Lights at the Oakland Zoo (sponsered by 107.7 The Bone... they wouldn't let us forget that!) An hour later, we were in bumper-to-bumper traffic in Hayward. That will only make sense to readers from the bay area, but that's not far AT ALL. My mom was all frustrated and pissed. I was enjoying myself cuz we were listening to good radio stations.. tehe. My mom almost brought down my mood, but not quite. Eventually, we took the freeway and got there a lot faster than if we had stuck to the "faster" side streets. So we got there, and we had to pay to get in, then we had to get on the fucking train! Plus, we had to wait in line for a half hour. They gave us these funky glasses that made you see lights in rainbow form. It was very trippy. My dad said he felt like he had just smoked some weed. Anyfuck, the train ride was purdy fun, despite how much of a rip off it was. Then we found out that wasn't even the show! The show was free! It was really lame too.. it was like 2 mins long and they musta said "107.7 The Bone" 50 times. Oh well.

It was funny cuz my dad said the commercial called the train crazy, so we kept going, "wow, this is CA-RAZY!" I had my parents rolling. I'm so sarcastic. Damn. Sarcasm, sarcasm, sarcasm. SARCASM KICKS ASS!

After that, we went to eat at Strizzi's in San Leandro. We had a coupon for 10 bucks. We got there at like 8 cuz of that damn long-ass line for the train. Yeah, but we didn't hafta wait since we were there so late. Oh, and the waiter was hot. Yum. My caesar salad was yummy too, but not as yummy as that waiter. Yum.

Yeah, so then I came home. It was cold as hell in this house! Luckily our heater works well. I had a jacket and a sweatshirt on and I was STILL cold. Holy fuck!

Tomorrow Monicaca, Jenny, and me are going to the great mall. Hopefully I'll get all my shopping done so I won't hafta worry anymore. I have no idea what to get my dad though. hmph!

Oh, good news! Jerry's alive! yay! Monica talked to him. He also wrote an entry, so yay! Jerry's alive! I was really starting to worry about him.

Shit, I need to write some Christmas cards. I'm such a procrastinater. I didn't used to be this bad! Everyone's gonna get their cards two days after Christmas and be like, oh, gee thanx Lorah. Brilliant piece of kitty caca.

My hands smell edible.

Dammit, I had something to say, but I forgot. I'm too young to have that happening to me! Do any other 17-in-3-months-year-olds have this problem? Please let me know if you do!

I have all these hats from past dance recitals piled up on one of my stereo speakers in my room. They keep falling and it's pissin me off! Ok, enough about that.

Ooooo.. quote time!

"I build each one of my days out of hope, and I give that hope your name. And I don't know you that well, but it don't take much to tell either you don't have the balls or you don't feel the same." ~Ani DiFranco

Ok, me done! Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.