You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

December 15, 2000 - 5:02:33 PM

Oh my.. I skipped two days! That must be a record for an addict like myself. It's not my fault though, I had a busy couple of days.

Wow, this is gonna take forever cuz I have 5 IM's.

Anyfuck, Wednesday I was online for a lil bit, but not long, cuz right after I got home from work I only had like an hour till I had to leave for the choir concert. So I went online for a few, ate dinner, and left. My mom taped that night. Monica, Jennifer, Laura, and her sister went. I was nervous as hell. I'm not very confident about my singing. If I was dancing, it would be different. I don't get very nervous when I dance on stage anymore.

Yesterday sucked cuz I had to finish the test in math. I don't think I did very well. Oh well. Mrs. Lasit told us to look less scared on stage, and I didn't have any butterflies, so I did a lot better. Of course I would do better when my mom wasn't taping, that's my luck.

What did I learn from the whole choir concert experience? I hate my school. I already knew that, but now I know it even more. Being backstage with so many people who go to my school was just tooooo annoying for me. They're all either conceited or spreading stupid rumors about people who are conceited. I also decided I never wanna be in Chords cuz all the girls except three in that choir are conceited as hell. Just because you're in a choir that you had to try out for does not mean you're god's gift to the fuckin world! Ugh!

And another thing.. does anybody else find it completely wrong to do scenes from a play as religious as Godspell at a public high school?! Public school=freedom of religion=keep your religious crap away from me!

Today sucked. Even though we only actually did stuff in two of my classes, it sucked. Mainly cuz my uterus was killing me the whole day. Lunch was fun though :o) I thought I musta died and gone to hell in PE. Ugh.. aerobics and cramps do not mix.

Work was ok.. got like 2 phone calls. Hardly had to do any work. Yay.

After work my uterus hurt like hell. I don't think it has ever hurt so much in my life. I took my mix of motrin and midol, so now I feel good.

Purple fingernails.

Yay! Break! No school for two weeks! Yay! Relaxation! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"When I say you sucked my brains out the English translation is I am in love with you, and it is no fun. But I don't use words like love cuz words like that don't matter. Don't look so offended. Y'know, you should be flattered." ~Ani DiFranco.. this quote isn't of any relevance, I just think it's damn rad.

Well, I'm finished. I hope you enjoyed my return entry of complaints! Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.