You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Bloody Bird
November 27, 2000 - 7:25:21 PM

Layla.. got me on my knees Layla.

My dad's listening to music in the kitchen :o)

Today was ok. I'm still not feeling the greatest. I still haven't found something to make me happy. Usually when I get like this it goes away after a day, but I don't think it's gonna this time. I hafta make a change, I just don't know how.

I just ate another candy cane. It was yummy. This time I didn't get a tummy ache. Yay :o)

I'm worried about Kelby. He's acting really weird and I know he's really sad, but I feel like there's nothing I can do. I wish things would get better.

I hate my job. I want a new one, but I have no way out of this one until they hire someone after Christmas. I have serious phone phobia. Working the switchboard is just not for me.

So you've got to let me know.. should I stay or should I go?

Jason got a puter.. it has a burner. I want a burner. No fair. He said he'd burn some cd's for me. He said I'd hafta give him some of my mp3's so he could make cd's outta the songs I want. My mom says I hafta get his sn now.. hehe. Look at me.. excited cuz a guy has internet access. How lame is that?

Well, my diary was delayed for a few minutes there cuz my cat Shady brought a bird in the house. My dad kicked her out, but the bird stayed in. My dad had to get it outside, but it got feathers all over the place in the process, so my mom's wiggin. She's also brooming feathers. We saved a bird that my cats tried to eat once before. It was purdy cool. This one looks purdy hurt though, so I don't know if it's gonna survive. It's all bloody and stuff. Jerry's being a booger and saying it's gonna die like a billion times.

Shady's locked in the garage while we figure out what to do with the panting bird on our porch.. and Lucky and Stacha are in my parents' room.

Mr. Bookout decided to make my life more stressful by giving us a few essays. One.. a short one.. is due Wednesday, but I'm too lazy to do it tonight. I doubt I'll be motivated tomorrow which means sitting in front of the puter being antsy for a couple hours. Oh well. I'll get it done eventually. Then we have a big essay due a week from Friday. That should be fun. Yucko.

There are so many things in life I'm unhappy about right now that I can't put much into words. All I hafta say is I need a change. I just don't know where to start. I'm very frustrated. Very, very frustrated. I need help of some sort.

Ok, enough complaining and what not, I shall be going now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.