You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

3 Day Recap
November 24, 2000 - 12:44:19 PM

Wow, it's been a long time since I've written. It just goes to show that if you don't write an entry for one day, you'll get in the habit of not doing it. 3 days.. wow. I have a lot of catching up to do.

My tummy hasn't agreed with me since Thanksgiving dinner. I don't wanna be graphic, but the outcome is not pretty.

Aaaaanyway, yeah, so I left off with Monday. Monday night I talked with Kelby on the phone for almost two hours. That was fun, but I ended up starting my reading late and therefore doing hw till 12:30. I only got 6 hours of sleep that night, so as you can probably imagine, I wasn't very fun to be around Tuesday.

Tuesday was your average day of school. I can't remember details cuz it was a few days ago now. I just remember wanting to get through the day so I could have my vacation. Tuesday night my parents and I went to Santa Cruz again to see Karen perform in her Latin American ensemble. She's in the advanced group now.. it was purdy cool. My aunt and my cousin Diana came, too. Plus we gotta see a lot of Karen's friends. Diana hadn't seen Karen's gallery, so we went there. Then Diana, Aunt Carole, my parents, and I went to this coffee shop in downtown Santa Cruz. I got some cyder and a peanut butter and fudge explosion cookie. It was very yummy. We didn't get home till midnight. I was totally wiped. I crashed.

Wednesday Jenny, Joe, and I went to the mall. We didn't actually leave till like 2:45 cuz I got a tummy ache from waiting too long after I ate to take my zit pill. We went anyway, and did some shopping. I wasn't very successful as far as Christmas presents go.. I only got my mom something, but I also bought the shirt I need for the winter concert for choir and a couple of rings :o) Monica didn't go with us cuz she was leaving for Disneyland that day, but it ended up that she didn't leave till 7ish, so she coulda gone with us :o( Oh well.. there's always next time.

Well, while we were at the mall, Jenny and I discussed the possibility of bowling, and Joe said he'd go with us. So after dinner the three of us went bowling. Without Monica, Jenny and I actually had a chance of winning! It was amazing! Joe really sucked, so he wasn't hard to beat. The first game we played, Jenny won. I had 61. The second game I won with 74. Woo woo. Who da man?!

Jenny came to my house after we bowled cuz her street is all covered with dirt and hard to drive down, so her mom always comes to get her whenever we go anywhere. We went online and asked people if they pee in the shower. I started taking a survey. Right now the total is 18 yes and 18 no. It's amazing how many people deny themselves. Everyone pees in the shower! Some people just don't have the balls to admit it.

Yesterday was Thanksgiving.. fun fun. My parents woke me up an hour earlier than I woulda liked, but oh well. We went to my grandparents' house. It was quite an event. I got most of it on video. There were 19 of us total. We carried out all the Painter Family traditions including playing basketball at the park and playing 31. My sister's bf was there, and he kicked everyone's ass at basketball and then won 31, it being his first time playing. It was purdy funny.

My cousin Michael wigged out during 31. He's always been a really poor loser. He has a temper problem. I thought he had grown out of it, but he hadn't. His mom slipped him an extra quarter while playing 31, and when one of us noticed it (namely me.. oops), he started wigging out saying he didn't know you couldn't do that. Weird stuff.

Speaking of Michael, when did he hit puberty? I feel so old.. my little cousin has a deep voice and a moustache! Aaaaahhhh! Scary stuff.

Last night I had an interesting conversation with a friend who had just done heroine. I think he hates me now. Oh well... I learned it's very hard to point out a thick headed person's flaws and try to help them help themselves.. especially when they're under the influence of heroine.

Now here I am procrastinating hw as usual. What a surprise. My mom asked me if I wanna watch Friends from last night with her. I think I'm gonna take her up on that offer, so I hope you enjoyed this entry! Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.