You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

My Lovely Thursday
November 16, 2000 - 6:00:39 PM

Last night was report card night. I got a 4.16. I'm not gonna say anything else cuz Jenny and Monica think I'm a bragging bitch even though I didn't tell them what my gpa is :o� My mom told Mr. Paula that I don't plan on taking calculus next year, and he was all upset. He didn't understand how someone could not like math. He already started nagging me about it today. This is what I have to look forward to for the next 7 months.

Speaking of math, we took the test today. I was sure I would do terrible on it, but I answered all the problems.. even the ones I thought I'd never get.. I actually kinda understood! There actually is a remote possibility I aced the test, but I doubt it. I always make at least a hundred careless errors.

I'm typing on Stacha's head right now cuz she's on my lap. It's purdy funny. She's purdy tolerable for a cat.. must be the old age and kidney disease.

More flirting with Jason today in ASL. That was fun.

I didn't beat my mile time :::snifflepoutwhimper::: Mrs. Nolan did say, "You're staying consistant.. good job!" Yeah, whatever. Jason makes fun of me cuz he can run two miles in the time it takes me to run one. I could run two miles in that time if I was on the cross country team, too, but I'm not that stupid, am I?

I learned in PE that I can serve really well in tennis without hardly even trying. I had no energy and I kept getting the serve in the right place. Mrs. Nolan complimented me. At least I'll get a good skill grade in that area.

I'm getting Monica's cold. Yucko. I keep having to sneeze, and my eyes water like hell right before hand. Why can't I just sneeze and get it over with?! Geez. Monica's convinced that she gave it to Kelby and Kelby gave it to me.

Speaking of Kelby, I haven't talked to him since Tuesday. I think I'm going through withdrawls. Kelby, where are you???

I have an icky essay to write for history by Tuesday. That makes Sunday un-fun for me. Yucko.

I'm gonna go to the deaf play tomorrow night, but I don't have anyone to go with. Mrs. Lyons is organizing some kinda dinner and then the play thing, but I dunno how many people are going to that, if any, so I don't want it to be like.. Mrs. Lyons and me.. dinner for two. That would be rather weird. I better get some extra credit for signing with the teacher for an hour if that happens! hehe j/k. Aaaanyfuck, Jason said he would go with me if he didn't have a big ol' cross country thing. That kinda sucks. Maybe I can find someone else in my class to go with me like Shannon or Jennifer. Or I could ask Monica. I'm not gonna not go though, even if I hafta sit all by my lonesome.. I need that event!

Well, I'm purdy finished I guess. Buh bye all. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.