You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Dinner and a Movie
November 10, 2000 - 7:56:53 PM

My mom's watching the second half of Titanic. It's addicting. I'm gonna keep going in there every few minutes like I did when she watched the first half.

Today was kinda cool I guess. I didn't get any hw finished when I wanted to, I wanted to use the three-day weekend to my advantage. Oh well. I have a lot of hw too. Oh, boogers.

When I woke up, my mom asked me if I wanted to go see Meet the Parents with her today. I said sure, so we planned to go to the 2:40 showing. I got to chat with Kelby a lil bit before then, then we left. The car ride was hell. Simply because we took the freeway when we shouldn't have, and my mom got all panicked cuz we weren't gonna make it in time. She was telling me how to drive and stuff, and I got all pissed and told her off. She took it purdy well, though, cuz she knew what I said was right, and she wasn't all hurt or anything. So that was cool. I felt all grown up :o) tehe

Jeremy wanted me to mention him in this entry. Hi Jeremy! I don't see why, cuz I don't think he reads my diary anymore, but whatever. I'm a nice person.

Aaaaanyfuck, back to my day. Yeah, so we got there late, so we had to go to the 3:25 showing. That kinda sucked cuz we wrote a message on the whiteboard telling my dad to meet us at TGI Fridays at 5. Well, the movie was purdy good.. it was fuuuuuunnny. When we got out, Dad wasn't there yet. We found that rather odd cuz we were late since we went to the later showing. Well, we found out there was a big accident on the freeway. It took like an hour and a half, but eventually he called the restaurant and told my mom that he had started driving to the restaurant, but turned around and went home cuz of the traffic.

We had a yummy dinner anyway, and we went to krispy kreme and got some donuts. Yuuuuummm. I love Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. In fact, I think I'll have one right now. Now that I can take my zit pill anytime I want, I can eat anytime I want too. Yuummm. Of course, that could also cause me to gain 10 pounds in the next week. hehe j/k

I'm typing Titanic quotes to Monica. She finds them amusing :o)

Last night my really long pinky nail broke. I was kinda sad. It was like deadly looking, and I could really scare people with it. It was fun. Oh well.. I have other long nails that can scare people.

Y'know who I haven't seen online in awhile? Jerry. I hope he's not dead or something. It's been a few days. Oh, hey. Look, Jerry, I mentioned you and didn't say you were a booger!

Well, Jeremy's biting my head off for being bitter towards him, so I don't have the time to type anymore. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.