You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Bush Sucks
November 7, 2000 - 7:00:44 PM

Watch Lorah get swamped by IM's. It is currently happening. Ok, I'm not really complaining. I know I love the attention just as much as you do (assuming you do).

Today marks four months till I turn 17.. woo woo! I've also had my license for 8 months. Who da man?! I had some bad luck occur though.

First thing in the morning, I realized my bracelet that I wear 24/7 that David made for me was missing. I felt naked without it. I started wigging and searching the house frantically, but couldn't find it. After I had given up and continued my getting ready routine, my mom came in and gave it to me. She didn't know I had been looking for it.. it was found on the floor in the family room.

I was happy to find that.. I would be hysterical without it, but it ended up falling apart at PE later :o( Once I went outside to my car this morning, I found it had like been hit with an orange paintball or something. All I know is there was a buncha orange stuff on the side of my car. My mom helped me wash it off, and I headed to school.

The solo try out I was all worried about didn't happen cuz we went to teasers for The Assassins.. the play at our school. Or as Monica and I like to call it ASS ASS ins. It was entertaining. We're gonna go see it for extra credit in history. The first time I saw the teasers, for choir, it wasn't as entertaining as when I saw them for English cuz I was sitting next to Teresa then and she made them twice as funny.

Jason flirted with me again.. surprise surprise. I told Teresa to look at his eyes last night and when she did today she signed "wow" to me. It was funny.. after lunch she was like, "damn.. that's like serene sexiness!" She cracks me up. Yeah, but anyway.. he has really nice eyes. They're so green you feel like asking him if they're contacts.. they don't look natural, but they are.

Claudia and I went in to Mr. Paula's after school. I think I understand stuff a bit more, but I have no confidence whatsoever for this test. I'm just gonna hafta wing it and hope that I get a C. It's rather sad, but I think I'm beyond hope. I was not made for math.

Travis is a democrat. That makes him very cool. He said if Bush wins he's moving to Canada. Amen! He shares views with me on abortion too.

I don't like all those flashing reds.. make them go away! Damn Florida.. make a decision already!

If you haven't already noticed, I'm kinda hurrying my typing cuz I wanna call Kelby tonight. Yeah, I'm having problems focusing on this entry, so I think I should end it. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.