You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Whatever, Dude, You Kissed a Guy
October 27, 2000 - 3:46:18 PM

I would just like to devote this paragraph to how cool the show Friends is. It is just so rad. I was rolling on the floor last night. The writers never go down in quality, I swear! My list of favorite quotes from last night's show:

"You like that? Wait till you hear my phone number!"

"Wooow... don't let Monica see that, and don't tell her about the wooow either."

*DING* sshhhhhhhh!

"Whatever, dude, you kissed a guy."

My mom bought Toy Story 2. Yay! I love that movie. She tried to get American Beauty, too, but they didn't have it at Blockbuster :o( That's one of my favorite movies. I can't wait till I can own a copy and analyze every little bit of it. That is such a rad movie.

I'm trying to help Monica get Sara to not like her, cuz she can't stand her anymore. Being a bitch to Sara worked for me, but whenever Monica says anything bitchy to her she just laughs. She's been practicing saying really bitchy things without sounding sarcastic. It's getting really annoying cuz I keep thinking she's pissed at me lol. Aaaanyway, linked to that topic, the quote of the day is: "Goddammit fuck, I don't like you!" Which is also linked to Teresa saying, "Actually, God did damn fuck.. without marriage first." And the word, "goddommit." This means absolutely nothing to people who aren't me and aren't Monica. But oh well, sucks to be you if you're not us! hahaha!

I was really giggly last night. It was fun, but then I started annoying myself. I've had a really moody period. The night before I was all depressed and stuff, and then last night I was giggly. I've been clueless during the entire thing, though, which is rather annoying. I think I'm starting to get a clue though cuz my period's ending hehe. I guess that means I should change my imood. Nah, I'm too lazy.

One thing that totally cracked me up was last night I found a college that has child development classes and sign language classes, but my mom didn't want me to go there cuz you don't even hafta take the SAT's to get in, and it was only $9000, so she said there must be something wrong with it. That cracked me up cuz it was like my mom was saying no, you can't go to the cheap school, you must go to one we hafta pay $18,000 for!

My college searching is getting rather tedious. Last night I found 15 websites for potential colleges (besides the few I was already looking at). I've been to 12 of them, and have only taken 5 off the list. This is gonna be hell. Pure hell. Why can't there just be a college in an area with good weather, doesn't have trendy annoying party people who go to it, and has a major in education or child development with a sign language department? Of course, it hasta have housing and reasonable requirements and fees, too. Is that so much to ask? Yeah, probably.

Halloween candy tastes waaaaaaaaaay too good.

Monica, Jenny, and I may go bowling tonight. That would be fun. I refuse to call the bowling alley again, though. I always do it, it's one of their turns.

I'm getting my hair cut tommorrow. I'm happy. It's really been getting on my nerves lately. I think I wrote about that before. I wish I could just shave my head and people wouldn't look at me weird.

Today my school had a hideous assembly. It was such the stereotypical high school assembly it made me sick. The only somewhat amusing part was when Courtney Borrego messed up and said this one homecoming nominee was escorted by his girlfriend and his girlfriend instead of his girlfriend and his friend. His friend was male, btw. The staff did their second annual staff spririt week skit. It sucked as usual, but this time you could actually hear them cuz they used microphones. (What a thought!) Of course, this also led to feedback that almost made the entire student body deaf. Good thing I take sign language. Basically, the assembly just left me with Staying Alive stuck in my head. Wasn't very pleasant.

We're learning how to sign the Star Spangled Banner in ASL. It's kinda fun, but signing it in ASL structure causes you to sing certain parts rather fast and other parts rather slow. Not to mention, we're all sign language students, not choir students (Well, I am, but that's beside the point), so hearing the entire class try to sing the Star Spangled Banner is nothing short of hideous. Another cause of deafness...

I'm eating spits. Yum.

Ok, this entry is long enough. I shall run along and continue my college search now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.