You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Old Naked Man on a Trampoline
October 25, 2000 - 3:23:11 PM

The weather decided to get crappy. Stupid weather. It shouldn't make decisions like that without clarifying with me first.

My puter is going very slooooooooowww cuz I'm dling the new version of aim. Yipeeeeeee.. not really, it probably has like one little difference and my mom and I will be like, "We kept the puter running while mom/I was at work for that?!" It's been dling for over 2 hours and it's only at 69%. 69! That's Jenny's bowling score. hahaha.

The toilet in the back bathroom is clogged cuz the litter pan had too much cat poop to flush it all down. It's been like that for awhile, but my dad and I kept forgetting and pooping in there cuz we're usually not supposed to poop in the front bathroom due to the fact that that toilet clogs easily. So today my mom put this big sign on the toilet that says, "Don't poop here!" I thought that was funny.

Turns out both Laura and Jason can't go to the field trip tomorrow. Laura has a doctor appointment and Jason has a cross country meet. Stupid doctors.. stupid cross country. Why would anyone run for fun anyway?!?! I guess I'll hang out with Teresa and Michele during the trip. Teresa can be a crack up. She had Jenny and me rolling today when she told us about her theory that Mr. Bookout "handles himself" in his classroom during lunch. She said whenever you're the first one in the classroom he always jumps like a little kid who knows he's been doing something bad. It's true. Then Jenny mentioned how he's always sitting in his lazy boy chair when we arrive.. that conveniently faces the HUGE poster of one of his ex-students on the wall. It was humorous, but I get images too well. Eeeeeeewwwwwwwww! I hate my vivid imagination sometimes. Jenny and Monica love to have fun with it. Yesterday they were like, "hey Laura... old naked man dancing!" just cuz they knew I'd get an image. "Old naked man humping a cow!" :::shivers:::

I failed to mention in my entry yesterday my story about Claudia and me and our paper math teachers. Last year we made a little paper Mr. Gottlieb. He liked to jump off my desk with my calculator. Well, yesterday we made a paper Mr. Paula. He came complete with an ab-roller (long story), papers to correct, and a quote bubble that said, "You won't pass the test if you don't know your homework!" (He always says that.) We had fun playing with our paper Mr. Paula. The quote of the day was: "Oh-no.. Mr. Paula's lost in Jeremy's hair!" hahahaha. Guess you had to be there.

Y'know what sucks about dling aol 6.0? I really wanted to dl some mp3's of songs we're singing in choir, but that would make Hercules go VERY slow. Oh well.. I guess I can later :::pshaw::: I wonder if in like 10 years they'll be up to something like aol 33,375.0 at the rate they're going. I mean, the first version was something around 2.5, right? And then there was 2.6, 2.7, etc. Then once they got to 3.0, they just started doing .0's. I think that was a really stupid idea if they plan on upgrading this often all the time. Ok, I'm rambling.

Turns out that all the colleges I was interested in don't have the major I want. The colleges that do are in other states and cost too fricken much! Going to College Night last night just made me more stressed out. Oh well.. at least now I have enough info to start my search for a college. I have a feeling it's gonna be a very annoying and stressful search though :o( Not looking forward to that.

"They can call me crazy if I fail. All the chance that I need is one-in-a-million, and they can call me brilliant if I succeed. Gravity is nothing to me, I'm moving at the speed of sound. I'm just gonna get my feet wet until I drown." ~Ani DiFranco

"I'm gonna pull out my tampon and start splashing around." ~Ani DiFranco <---that line scared Monica and Laura when it was on in the car yesterday, so I thought I'd put it in to scare Monica again :o) hehehe HA HA HA hehe

Ok, me done.. ta!

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.