You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Boredom Vs. Crucible
October 15, 2000 - 11:25:00 PM

It's night time and no one but Monicaca's online. That's mainly cuz everyone but us has school tomorrow. Although I enjoy laughing at them, I'm also extremely bored.

I'm thinking of giving in to my conscience and my mom (which are purdy much one and the same at times) and going to do hw.. read The Crucible namely. Even though I don't want to, I'm not doing anything productive here. That just makes me feel even more guilty. I wish my mom wasn't so good at nagging. She's really been getting on my nerves lately. I'm 16 years old.. I can manage my own time. I'll get everything finished in the end. She just makes it worse.

I'm dling an mp3, but I could always do it later. I've reached an unbearable state of boredom here.

Jeremy never signed on tonight. :::pout, whimper, cry::: Ok, I'm not that pathetic, but I still wanted to talk to him. Oh well :o(

My hair is getting too long. It's getting to the point where it touches the bottom of my neck, and that bugs the crap outta me. I find myself holding it up all the time without thinking about it cuz it gets in the way. That's one of the things that makes me very un-girl-like. Most girls have long hair that doesn't bother them.. mine gets half-way down my neck, and I'm ready to pull it out. If it was socially acceptable, I'd shave my head in a second. I hate my hair.

I've had an Ani DiFranco song stuck in my head for over 24 hours now. As much as I like the song, it gets annoying when it's there ALL THE TIME. I've listened to billions of songs and nothing makes it go away. GO AWAY!

I just thought of something to type, but it went away. Don't you hate that? I have a purdy good memory, but it still fails me at times. Oh well.. I'll write about it some other time. Oh, I just remembered. I was gonna say I hope the Ani DiFranco song doesn't stay stuck in my head that long, cuz when I went to Spain and France the Christmas before last, the entire two weeks I was in Europe I had Inside Out by Eve 6 stuck in my head. That was soooooo annoying. I still like the song though :::shrug:::

Monicaca and I are gonna go feed ducks tomorrow. That should be fun.

"God help you if you were an ugly girl, course too pretty is also your doom cuz everyone harbors a secret hatred for the prettiest girl in the room. And God help you if you were a pheonix and you dare to rise up from the ash. A thousand eyes would smoulder with jealousy while you were just flying past." ~Ani DiFranco

"Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity." ~Ani DiFranco

"The truth lies between the first and fortieth drink." ~Tori Amos

Ok, I've ran out of meaningless bs to type, so I think I'm gonna run now. Nothing exciting is happening online (no offense, Monica). Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.