You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Entry of Nothingness
October 10, 2000 - 4:08:42 PM

I skipped a day. Naughty, naughty me. All my faithful fans (ha) will surely be fumed. Note the sarcasm.

I just discovered Cracker Jack makes your fingers rather sticky. That makes it more difficult to type.

Basically I haven't written cuz at first I was just too lazy to, then I got in this big conversation with Jeremy. After vowing for a couple days to find a local guy and nothing but a local guy, Jeremy convinced me otherwise. He has that kinda affect over me.. I dunno if that's such a good thing. Now that I look back, I don't know what I was thinking when I hurt Jeremy by becoming involved with Jerry. Jeremy's right for me, and I've known that all along. I just have a tendency to deny myself. I need to work on that. I still think Jeremy could do a lot better than me though. I've hurt him and he still holds on. I admire that a lot.

Ever since last night I've been a lot happier and looking at life more optimistically. Ironic how that happens. Some people are gonna read this and find me pathetic. Oh well, I suppose I am. I should stop caring so much what other people think of me. I keep telling myself that, but I don't know how to go about doing so. Any suggestions?

My dad's playing hippy music in the other room. Crosby, Stills, and Nash. I actually like them. I think I musta been a hippy in a past life or something. I think Monicaca and Jenny would agree with me. I was wearing a hippy shirt yesterday :o) I like my hippy shirt.

Monicaca thinks there's something wrong with me cuz I get really dizzy after every time we run in PE for a long time afterwards. I never thought of it that way.. I've just always thought I couldn't run very fast cuz no one else in my family can run fast. That would be cool if I did have some kinda anti-running disease.. then I wouldn't hafta run in PE anymore hehe. That would kinda suck that I found out during my last semester of PE ever though. Oh well.

I think I aced my history test yesterday cuz it was on info I had covered in both classes. Yay me.

I added puffy paint around where it says Jansport on Frank. I lost his breast cancer awareness ribbon yesterday, but I luckily found it in my PE locker today, so yay. He still doesn't look totally Bob-ish though. Any suggestions? I need suggestions people!!!

I need to go to the bead store tomorrow after school and figure out what kinda wire will work with my wire cutters cuz I've had them and the wrong kinda wire for months now, and I'd really like to make some jewelry. Someone remind me to ask Monicaca if it's ok if we go there after school, ok? Ah, hell, Monica will read this herself. Hi Monicocka! Yeah, talk to me about that, k? hehehe.

Yeah, no. hehehe HA HA HA hehe!

Note: That was an inside joke only Monicaca and Jenny would understand.

I feel as though I'm just rambling now, so I should end this entry of nothingness. Yeah, so ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.