You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Skater Bob?
October 7, 2000 - 11:29:41 PM

Me sleepy. Must... do... homework.... My eyes are drooping.

I procrastinated like mad today. Honestly, I didn't know what time my mom and I were gonna go shopping until she told me she'd be ready in an hour, so I was like, ok, I'll do hw in that hour. But then I remembered I needed to try on certain bras with certain shirts to see what I needed to buy when we went shopping. I only had a half hour left when I finished that. Then I told my mom that I thought we'd get something to eat at the mall and I hadn't eaten much, but she said no, so I had to eat a pear. By the time I finished the pear, there was only 15 mins left, and that's not enough to start hw...

I think I need to take out my contacts. They're fogging cuz my eyes are tired.

Shopping wasn't fun.. of course.. bra shopping never is. I bought a backpack though. I'm kinda sad that I hafta replace my current backpack George, though. Oh well. My new backpack's name is Frank. I put the keychains I had on George on Frank, including my vibrating hamster Chuck the Overfriendly Chicken. Logan would kill me if I didn't put Chuck on Frank. I also put my breast cancer ribbon on him. Yeah, so Frank's been made Bob-ish. Not totally though. I need to do some more stuff to make him represent me. I'll hafta think about that though.

When we got home from shopping, my aunt Carole was here. She was planning on going out to dinner with Karen and us. I couldn't do hw since we had company.. of course.

We went to a new Japanese restaurant with Karen and Aunt Carole cuz Aunt Carole knew the owners. We got a discount. I don't like any seafood, so the only thing on the menu I could order was chicken teriyaki. It was purdy good though. We got a 20% discount. The owner lady was really cool.

My sister's all pissed cuz I have bigger boobs than her. I guess I can understand where she's coming from since I'm her little sister by six years. I told her she's 5'8" and I'm 5'3", so she got the height, and I got the boobs. I don't think that pleased her though.

When we got home, Karen and Aunt Carole stayed till about 10:15. I started my hw at 10:30. I only did my math, then I signed on. I think I'll do my history after I sign off at 1 so I only hafta write my essay tomorrow. That's my plan. We'll see if it works.

The extent to which my clothes don't match right now is amusing. I have my blue super sophomores shirt on from spirit week last year.. which also has white, yellow, and red in it. Then I have my pink and white tie-dyed pants on.. and my ladybug socks with a gray background. haha. I love weekends.

I got a skateboard catalog in the mail today. I have no idea how they got my name, but I think it must be a sign. I dunno if I have the coordination to skate though. I suppose if I can ballet dance, I can skate, but :::shrug::: I don't know how to ride a bike, afterall. My mom asked me if I wanted a skateboard for Christmas. It sure is a tempting idea... There aren't many skater girls out there. I could prolly get some guys that way :o)

"I thought he was a man, but he was just a little boy." ~Fiona Apple

"If you keep on killing you can get me to settle and as soon as I settle I bet I'll be able to move on." ~Fiona Apple

Me done. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.