You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

October 3, 2000 - 5:29:56 PM

I'm glad the school day's over. I finished my hw. I feel freedom. Yay. Today sucked.

Mr. Fulton decided to bitch me out today for dropping AP. He said I was a Superstar, and I coulda done it. I'm not gonna deny that I coulda done it, but I didn't want to. I can get the career I want without AP history. History is not one of my priorities. He made me feel all guilty though cuz he talked to Ms. Huneke and was making me sound wonderful.. telling her about how I taught his class one day last year (he was tired, so I got up and taught. It was fun).. and she was like, "oh, well she dropped the class." He was all pissed that I hadn't told him. Well, if he wasn't bugging me every day and telling other people not to talk to me during lunch, maybe I woulda told him. It's not like it came up in conversation or anything. That pissed me off.

On the way home from school I got rear-ended. I had Monica, Melissa, and Sara in the car with me. There wasn't even a scratch, and the lady was hugging me like crazy. I didn't get any insurance info, so now my mom's pissed at me cuz Sara and Melissa said they felt a lil bit of whiplash when I got back in the car.

Do you ever feel like just getting rid of an IM and never having it come back? I just don't like talking to some people. Go away.

Tori Amos helps me get my aggression out. Especially when I feel so shitty. I don't wanna find out how Stacha's tests came out, cuz it probably won't be good. Ever since 2000 came my life has been experiencing a general downward spiral. Things aren't looking up either. I want some kinda dramatic positive change in my life. That would be nice. If anyone would like to help with that in any way, shape, or form, I'd be greatly appreciative.

"I've been down so long, it can't be longer still. I've been down so long that the end must be drawing near." ~Jewel

I don't have much else to write that won't depress any readers. Ta ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.