You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Idaho! ...I Must Go
September 16, 2000 - 10:02:14 PM

Here I sit.. too lazy to get up and take a piss. That happens quite often. Kelby tried peeing for me once, but it didn't relieve me. Oh well.. that was cool of him to try. I thought it was purdy funny actually.

Worrying about Jerry. Go figure.

A friend of mine cuts herself. She went to a psychiatrist about it cuz her parents made her, but she didn't wanna go, so she stopped going. Some of the cuts are really bad. I've tried to do stuff to help her like get info on websites about how to stop and stuff, but it doesn't work. I wish there was more I could do. I'm worried about her too. I worry too much. I think that hasta do with that I care too much. I guess that's not so bad, but it psychologically sucks for me.

Some stuff friends would do for a klondike bar:

Martha: fall asleep for a FULL day.

Jane: Swim through Jello naked.

Ben: run around shooting squirrels with a potato gun while wearing a cape and mask.

Kelby: walk through the halls of his school naked.

Dawn: Lick a cute guy.

Me: Do the Macarena while balancing a cat on my head wearing the polka-dotted dance costume from last year.

I think I'm winning thus far. I gotta get more responses though. I'll keep you updated.

Homework sucks. I procrastinated a lot today. Nobody knows the fricken math assignment. Claudia left her binder at home. I hope Katie or Leslie signs on sometime this weekend or I'm screwed. I will not resort to the telephone. The phone is EVIL! While procrastinating I wrote on the white board in block shadowed letters "IDAHO!" and then below it smaller I put "...I must go" My goal is to drive my parents crazy while talking about Idaho until eventually they go so nuts they let me go. That's my new slogan, "Idaho! ...I must go"

LOL.. I was just describing my dance costume from last year to Kelby. I think I scared him. That costume scared me too. It outlined my boobs in green flourescent sequins. :::shivers::: oh the horrid memories. Make it go away!

Jerry owes me $500. If you ask him, he'll deny it. But my mom says I'm right. He said anyone who could name the quote would get $500.. and I named it. If he didn't want the band name he shoulda specified it. I coulda told him it was Jakob Dylan anyway! Maybe I'll give him a chance to earn his money back...

Dave bought a phone card so he could call me. I was IMing 7 people when he told me this. He was all hurt cuz I didn't want him to call me then. I feel kinda bad about that, but I don't see why that's not understandable. I wouldn't give up 7 IM's to call Jerry or Jeremy either. He didn't believe me when I told him that. He said he'd be on later, but he hasn't signed on yet.

I can eat in 5 mins.. yay! I'm purdy hungry.

Jerry got my letter today. He said I'm too cute :o) There I am with my cheep thrills again.

Ok, Jerry, here's your chance to earn the $500 back... who wrote this? "You can't talk to a psycho like a normal human being." If you get that, I'll be extremely surprised and impressed. But I highly doubt you will. Good luck.

I suppose I'm done now... since I can eat in a minute :o) Buh byes! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.