You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Stuck Between my Teeth
September 14, 2000 - 6:04:18 PM

Today was weird. I feel tempted to say it was a bad day, but I really haven't felt as bad as I have other days. I dunno.. I still feel really relaxed and at peace with my environment besides the fact that I also feel like a lot of things are falling down on me.

Ran the mile today. Improved my time by over a minute. I was thoroughly impressed. It was only 20 seconds worse than my best time too. How did I get all fit between last week and this week?

I didn't feel like doing my math hw, so I didn't. Maybe I'll get around to it tonight, but I doubt it. I'm just hoping Mr. Paula doesn't check for hw tomorrow. Oh well if he does.. 90% of our grade is based on tests and quizzes.. a zero on one hw assignment isn't gonna kill me. I'll do it this weekend, so it's not like I won't know the material for the test. I just have this overall feeling of laziness tonight, but it's not the bored kinda laziness, it's the kind where you can just sit in a chair staring out the window for an hour and never get bored. I find it really easy to get lost in my thoughts lately.

Jeremy emailed me about previous entries. Basically, he ended everything between us outta pain. I really didn't wanna hurt him, but I guess it's best that he got hurt earlier than later before his emotions for me built up anymore. It sucks cuz I really do like him, so I'm gonna miss talking to him. He said he's not gonna be around for awhile. I really hate being the heart breaker. I have guilt issues and breaking hearts does a toll on me. I wish it didn't hafta be like this. Kelby's hurt too.. I hardly know the guy and I feel terrible for hurting him. Agghh! Jerry better be worth all this (no pressure, love).

Gave another ride to Laura today. That was fun. She and I have fun in ASL. My ASL class has turned into a fricken battle zone. The desks are arranged into two separate sides of the classroom and the two sides totally oppose each other. There's this whole conspiracy where Mrs. Lyons lets the brownosers (they actually call themselves that) go to the bathroom, but she wouldn't let Michele go once. Michele and Teresa are always talking crap about the other side of the room.. and you can tell Marilu and Tawnya are talking crap about them. It's too much drama for me. I don't especially dislike any of them, but they all have their faults. Laura and I are always like can't we all just get along?!?!?! What did bug me today, though, was that Michele started talking about how Mrs. Lyons lets Amy go to the bathroom whenever she wants and how she shouldn't get special privalages just cuz she's in a wheelchair. That bugged me. It takes her a lot more energy to pee than it does us. I'd like to see Michele spend one day in a wheelchair like Amy does. Michele and I get along, but sometimes she's just so vain it gets on my nerves. She's such your typical cheerleader. She's always complaining about how big her butt is, and on Monday she was like, "does this shirt make my boobs look wide?" Who the fuck cares if your boobs look wide?! She was also complaining one day cuz this kinda overweight girl in our class has a smaller waist than her. Like anyone's really looking at her and comparing her waist to Shilo's! I'd like to see her live in a wheelchair for one day. I don't think she could stand it, especially not if she had to for the rest of her life like Amy. Amy is one of the sweetest girls I know. That was really rude if you ask me. (I know you didn't, but oh well. This is my diary :o�)

I have a piece of food caught between my teeth. Don't you hate that?! Yesterday Jane related to my fruit chunks in popsicles comment, so I thought maybe she'd relate to this one, too :o)

I hope Jerry signs on soon. Now that I've hurt so many other guys I just wanna be able to talk to him about how I feel about him and stuff and not feel bad about it anymore. He probably got my letter today. I wonder if he's one of those penmenship analyzers. Hehe.. I bought a book about that once and when I analyzed my writing it was purdy accurate. There's a teacher at my school who does that naturally cuz she's been trained in it. She told me a lot about myself from looking at my writing and my signature. She was purdy accurate too. You can tell a lot from a person's writing. Personally, I love my writing. Cept when I wrote that letter to Jerry it was 11:30 and I was tired. May not be as neat as during any other time of day. Oh well... like he's really gonna throroughly judge me on my penmenship.

"I wish it didn't have to be so bad." ~Blink 182

That's all for now. Hopefully I haven't offended anyone with this entry. I seem to be famous for doing so lately. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.