You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Sweetarts and Cherry Coke
September 8, 2000 - 11:08:44 PM

Thus another week ends. Technically not till tomorrow, but Friday is the end of the school week and that's what matters.

Warning: I am currently on a sugar and caffeine high due to sweetarts and cherry coke. Yum.

The day started off slow cuz well, it was a Friday, and Fridays are always slow cuz you want them to end, right? I need to stop slacking off so much in my math class if I want a good grade. I should treat my honors classes like honors classes. That might be a good idea.

:::Eats a sweetart, finishes it, and in craving, brings the whole box over to the puter:::

Good news: AP history essay isn't due till Tuesday now. Bad news: I have a unit test in that class the same day. Eek.

Around 4th period I started feeling like I do when I eat dairy products. (I'm lactose intolerant.) Not a good feeling. Almost had to shit in the school bathroom, but refrained. I hate the bathrooms at my school and besides, that's just plain embarrassing. That purdy much ruined my school day, from 4th till 6th at least. For some reason it stopped during PE. I probably exercised it off cuz Mrs. Nolan made us run up and down the bleachers. My legs hurt from that.

I gave Martha and this girl from my choir and PE classes, Melissa, a ride home. I like having company in my car :o) Went out to eat with my parents, to Elephant Bar. We checked out the new Borders. It's purdy rad. Now we don't hafta go to Milpitas for our Borders needs. When we got home I called bowling alleys to find out if they offered open bowling. They were full of fricken leagues! The earliest reservation we could get was nine o'clock! I think we should just join a league so we can bowl when we want. It might help if we didn't suck though. Oh well. I bowled 50 the first game... lol. Jane and Martha both got in the 80's. But the second game.. that one'll go down in history. I got the ball stuck in the gutter not once, not twice, but three.. count em.. three times! The third time the lady was like, "do you just want us to put the bumpers up?" We said ok... therefore I got 90 the second game :o) Jane was using her geometry skills to do some purdy sweet moves. It would hit the bumpers like five times and hit down most of the pins lol.

OMG, I typed that I brought the box over, but I didn't! It's still on the fricken table over there!

Aaaaaaaaanyway, we had fun, that's what matters. And it was like a half hour drive to the bowling alley (not to mention I had to get gas), so we enjoyed that. I think Jane and Martha enjoyed watching me pump gas, cuz it's oh-so-exciting. These two guys our age walked by and were staring at us. Is it so odd to see three teenaged girls at a gas station at 8:30 on a Friday night?! When we were driving outta the gas station Martha waved at them and they waved back lol. She was like, "We shoulda picked them up!" Jane was like, "Yeah, we have room for them!" In my opinion, they weren't hot enough to pick up. For Newark guys, though, maybe...

The major drawback from going bowling with the dead fish was I didn't getta talk to Jerry tonight. I dunno if he was even on... he doesn't have a new entry... but I still wanted to talk to him. He wasn't feeling well yesterday and I wanna know if he feels any better. I miss Jerry. I hope I getta talk to him tomorrow.

I talked to Jeremy before the bowling excursion for the first time in over a week. I knew I had to tell him that things changed between Jerry and me since the last time I talked to him, so I did. Luckily, he said he felt we were drifting apart and as much as he wanted to be hurt by what I said, he wasn't. So basically, what was going on between us, whatever you wanna call it, isn't anymore. We're still really good friends though. I'm glad it happened this way without anyone getting hurt. I feel a lot better about my feelings for Jerry now that I know Jeremy isn't hurt. I don't know why I get so tied up in this stuff when I live so far from these people and don't have any chance with them in real life, but the emotional factor still stands, and lord knows I'm an emotional person.

I know this entry is already long enough, but nobody's online and I don't have anything else to do. I think I'll put some quotes in. That sounds fun.

Today I had 257 Weeks by Nine Days stuck in my head. That sounds funny.. all those weeks and days can get people confused! I wonder what 257 weeks plus 9 days equals. If I enjoyed math, I'd figure it out, but I don't. I have enough math problems with that stupid Math Analysis Honors class.

My tongue is pealing from the sweetarts. You know a candy is good when I eat enough of it to peal.

I miss Jerry.

"This living shouldn't be called living cuz it's really only half alive. She's a flower that grows just by the cement hose, and she will survive." ~Jewel

"You say you don't want it again and again, but you don't really mean it. You say you don't want it, this circus we're in, but you don't you don't really mean it." ~Tori Amos

"I know I'm not perfect, but I can smile, and I hope that you'll see this heart behind my tired eyes." ~Dido

"I'm ok if you get me at the right angle, and you're ok in the right sort of light. We don't look like pages from a magazine, but that's alright, baby, that's alright." ~Ani DiFranco

"If I am another waste of everything you dreamed of, I will let you down.. If I am only here to watch you as you suffer, I will let you down..." ~Nine Days

It took me an hour to write this entry. I was IMing people and getting ready for bed in the process, but still... that's a lot. Ok, I'm done.. buh byes ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.