You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Happy Half Birthday to me
September 7, 2000 - 4:21:04 PM

Oh yes, you read that right. It is September 7th. My half birthday! I am 16 and a half years old! I think my family is the only one who celebrates half birthdays. It's not like I get half a cake or anything, but we at least sing to each other. Of course, this half birthday was a lil more exciting for me than most cuz I getta drive other people now. Glory glory.. ah crap I forgot how to spell hallelujah. I think that's wrong. Wow, it's not according to the dictionary on aol. But what does aol know? Driving Martha to school this morning wasn't that exciting. It was just like driving her illegally any other time lol. Oh well, at least I have the power to drive whoever I damn well please now. We're prolly gonna bowl tomorrow night instead of tonight cuz Jane has a tennis match today. I have an essay due Monday.. ick. I haven't even looked over the documents I'm supposed to use to write it yet. I'm such a slacker. I'll spend all of Sunday writing the damn thing. Oh well.

"I don't like you but I love you.. seems that I'm always thinking of you... Though you treat me badly I love you madly.. you really got a hold on me." ~Smokey Robinson and the Miracles.... how I love the Mermaids soundtrack.. it's a purdy good movie too.

I currently can't get enough of Tori Amos from the Choirgirl Hotel. I'll have the whole cd memorized in no time, I assure you. Already have Jackie's Strength and Raspberry Swirl down, and I'm well on my way with Spark. I love Raspberry Swirl. It just makes me wanna boogy. I think I'm gonna make an mp3 of it using that rad program I have. I think I'll do that right now so I can listen to it while I type...

So I decided to make mp3's outta every song on the cd. It kinda made my puter go slow and therefore aol had an error and I had to exit it. When it finishes making the mp3's I'm gonna sign back on. I hope Paula and Dave don't worry about me. I doubt they will.

My dad bought another slurpee for me today. He's so cool.

I ran the mile. Got a really crappy time. Felt worse than when I got the best time I've ever had. Basically, cuz I'm totally outta shape. I'm guessing since I'm only gonna have PE for a semester, and it's the rainy semester at that, I prolly won't ever get in shape again. And y'know what? I could care less. I'm not a very athletic person, can you tell? I dance. That's the extent of my exercise. One class once a week for an hour and a half. Hey, at least I do something and I'm not a fat lug. Is that a word? Lug? Beats me.

I'm worried about that essay. I'm afraid I'll procrastinate too much to do it and then when I actually start doing it it'll take forever cuz I won't be able to focus. I'm having a lot of problems focusing lately. I didn't finish my math hw today cuz of that. I just didn't feel like it, and I know I know how to do the problems I skipped, and I know he'll do them on the board tomorrow, but I don't like this new lazy me. I used to be lazy, but not this lazy. I didn't used to procrastinate nearly as much either. Usually, when you feel like this you wanna make a change too, but I'm not exactly jumping to read those documents or anything. I'm just hoping Jerry'll sign on soon. I think I need to re-evaluate my priorities, but I just don't feel like it.

Mr. Fulton gave us more names today. Now we each have 3 Mr. Fulton names and then our generic ones we made up. Jenny is Weird, Peculiar, and Derranged. Martha is Off, Out There, and Gone. I'm Strange, Unstable, and Abnormal. Abby's my nick name for the latter. Hehehe. Martha and I were discussing how Abnormal would be a good name for an exercise machine. Y'know, to get normal abs?

"Things are getting desperate when all the boys can't be men.. everybody knows I'm her friend.. everybody knows I'm her man..." ~Tori Amos... Raspberry Swirl!

The assistant principal hit me with a door today. I was walking with Martha and she opened it right into me. She didn't hit me very hard, but I screamed lol... you shoulda seen the look on her face. She was like, "I'm soooo sorry!" You'd hafta know how much of a bitch this lady is to understand how funny that is. I got Ms. Huerta to apologize to me, and I didn't even do it purposely. Like 10 people in that hallway saw it (probably cuz I screamed so loud). They were all staring at me while I walked through the hallway after it happened, so I said, "yes, I'm the girl Ms. Huerta hit with the door. Autographs will be offered after class." I didn't get any laughs besides from Martha.. stupid people at my school.

"Worshipping David Cassidy. I mooned him once on Donna's box. She's still in recovery." ~Tori Amos (Don't ask me what most of her lyrics mean, I have no idea. I think I've figured out one complete song... and a lyric every here and there from others.)

Dave keeps asking my thoughts on political stuff when he knows we'll disagree. He's very republican and I'm very democratic. Nineteen year olds.. why do I bother?

"She's your cocaine, she's got you shaving your legs.." ~Tori Amos

I guess I should end this entry eventually.. how bout now? Ok, ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.