You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

August 25, 2000 - 7:48:39 PM

I went out to eat with my parents tonight. We went to Fresh Choice.. usually I object to Fresh Choice, but I didn't care tonight. Mainly cuz I wanted to stop by the Wherehouse and buy the Nine Days cd. I didn't mind eating the salad tonight either. When we got to the Wherehouse I found my cd and I was set. My parents were looking around, so I did too. Then when my mom finally decided to buy the cd I was still looking and it happened. I FOUND A LETTERS TO CLEO CD!!! Yes, oh yes... I did not only find one Letters to Cleo cd, but I found two. You shoulda seen me trying to decide which one to buy. I decided on Wholesale Meats and Fish. I originally wanted to by GO!, but I decided against it cuz I had 3 mp3's from each cd and there was one more song on Wholesale Meats and Fish, so I got that one. When I got home I also realized it was 4 buck cheaper than GO! I hadn't even noticed. Guess I lucked out. I'm so stoked. It's a rad cd of course.. I haven't heard a Letters to Cleo song I didn't like. Yeah, so I haven't gotten the chance to listen to the Nine Days cd yet cuz I'm so excited over the Letters to Cleo one. I'll get around to it :o) I GOT A LETTERS TO CLEO CD!!!

My mouse is doing this thing where it goes away for a split second with every key I type. It's really starting to piss me off.

"You're awake and I'm asleep and we are so complete..." ~Letters to Cleo

We went to Staples after the Wherehouse. I really didn't wanna shop for school supplies even though it was a must. So I got it over with as fast as I could.

Today I figured out how to make mp3's outta cd's using this cool program Jeremy recommended I dl. Suddenly I have 30 more mp3's than I had last night. Hehehe. Guess how Laura spent her day?

I did two whole questions of hw today. Oh yes, I'm real focused. No really, I think I'm gonna do some more after I finish writing this cuz no one exciting's online.

I GOT A LETTERS TO CLEO CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah, darn Dave hasta sign on. Guess I won't be doing any hw afterall. He's been begging me to send him tons of mp3's I have lately. Being the nice, caring person I am, I send them. I still have like 10 of them to send though. Greedy lil Dave. He's cool though :o)

Ok.. I've decided to tell you all a cute lil story that cracks me up. I'm really short.. and the little bit of me there is is mostly torso.. I have extremely short legs. That's why it's very hard to find pants that don't drag on the ground all the way to Alabama for me. Y'know those trendy pants that go down to right above your ankles? I bought a pair of those last weekend, but they're a normal length on me. That cracks me up. It's like here's Laura wearing trendy pants but somehow they manage to not look trendy on her. I think that totally symbolizes me as a person. I get a kick outta that.

Letters to Cleo is fricken rad.

Hehe.. I'm telling all these people online I got a Letters to Cleo cd, and they're all just like, "uh... great..."

I miss my kids so much! At the mall I saw all these adorable kids and it made me realize how much I miss being around them. I'm 16 years old and my fricken biological clock is already ticking! I think I wanna get a job at a kids clothing store or something like that so I can at least be around kids. That would be rad. I also miss my kids cuz my neck is killing me for some reason today. I think it misses the massages they used to give me. They spoiled me too much :o) I have such a weak neck. I pull muscles in it all the time. I need a personal masseuse or something. Any offers? hehe.

I can open the door, but you have to walk through it.

Ok, I think I'm quite finished now. I must say bye before that cursor makes me go insane. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.