You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Martha McLachlan
August 24, 2000 - 7:30:57 PM

So today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Granted, I did step on that horid campus and despise it from that moment on, but I enjoyed myself with my friends. Monica and I got our pics taken and our schedules really quick cuz we went there when A-L was supposed to go even though our last names start with M and P. Our lines were rather short :o) We were in and out of that gym in a good half hour... then we got our lockers and looked for our classes. By the time we had registered our lockers, it had only been an hour since we had arrived. Haha.. one of the few times having a last name in the last half of the alphabet comes in handy.

Oh, Monica wants to be called Martha now. I must remember that when I type about her.

After that, I drove us to the mall (illegally.. oh my.. aren't I a naughty one?) which is just across the street from our school. We had time to kill cuz Martha's dad wasn't supposed to pick her up till 2. I can't go to malls without buying anything. It's really quite sad. Especially since I'm majorly in debt to my parents. I bought a steering wheel cover for my Dixie (that's my car's name), and I must say it looks quite lovely on her :o) We also both got a donut and an icee... and a lot of candy :o)

At 2 I drove Martha back to the school, but her dad wasn't there and there weren't any parking spaces in the tiny teacher's parking lot he was supposed to pick her up in. That's when she decided to inform me that he had said I could give her a ride home if I didn't mind :oP So I did.. and it's actually rather funny.. we passed a buncha cops... in fact I had to drive around them. I was driving her illegally and they had no idea. Martha didn't have a key to her house, so she came to my house. We were both on sugar highs by that time so we spent the rest of the day listening to 80's music and watching Martha talk to all my friends online. I think she scared some people, but Jerry got a kick outta her. You gotta love Martha. She's the best. She totally had this girl believing she was Sarah McLachlan's sister.

Jenny came over around 5 and joined us until I had to eat dinner. That was fun. I'm gonna enjoy seeing both of them every day at school, but that's about all I'll enjoy about school I think. Jenny and I have English together :o) That's the first class we've had together since 8th grade. Martha and I haven't had a class together since 6th grade :o( We have PE the same period this year and we could have it together, but she got two PE classes and she's sticking with the one she has with Jenny cuz it's Dance Sport and that's easier. I'd call her a booger, but if I was in the same position, I'd do the same thing. Oh well. I have two classes with my friend Kat, one with my friend Dawn, and one with my friend Ashley. That's always nice to know :o) Even though we went around looking for our classrooms, I realized when I got home I didn't look for my first period class. Oops. I know what building that's in, but that's all. I wonder if I still have a map of the school anywhere...

I only got 6 hours of sleep last night. I hope I don't have too big of bags in my school picture. It's bad enough that I have Danish blood in me, but lack of sleep and crying doesn't help. I cried last night too. Basically.. when you're in your room from 1 till 4 with nothing to do, you just listen to music and think. (Tori Amos's At the Choirgirl Hotel is a rad cd, btw.) Mostly I thought about how much I wanted to be with Jeremy, but somehow I started to remember this conversation I had on the phone with my ex-bf and ex-best friend in March that I think may be the reason I haven't been as chipper the last few months. I hadn't thought of that call in ages.. probably subconsciously blocking it out. They were "deciding if they wanted to me my friend" which consisted of pointing out all my flaws and telling me to work on them. That tore me up inside. At the time, I just agreed with them cuz I wanted to be friends with them and I figured that they were right, but now I realize that they were ganging up on me. Nick was just pissed cuz I had broken up with him and that was wearing off on the other Nick (yeah they have the same name) who had a few negative thoughts towards me. I remember literally crying, kicking, and screaming on the living room floor after that conversation. My mom told me they weren't worth it if they were doing that to me, and I half-listened to her. I tried to be friends with them for about a week more, then I gave up. They were the link to most of the friends I don't have anymore. That's why I don't have them. Maybe now that I've figured out why I've been pessimistic lately I'll be able to enjoy life more. I hope so. Anyway, so that's why I cried last night.

Martha got a puter! Well, her family ordered one at least. It hasta be sent though. It's gonna be so rad when she has aim and I can talk to her online. She always feels excluded when Jenny and I talk about people she doesn't know who we chat with online. Now she'll know them, too. Yay! :o)

I suppose this entry is long enough now... I guess I'll be signing off now. Besides, I really gotta pee again.

We marveled at our own magnificence....

:::Running to the bathroomm::: TA! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.