You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

August 15, 2000 - 8:24:17 PM

My tooth hurts. I think it's dying. I chipped it when I was 9 and the dentist told me I might hafta have a root canal eventually. I really hope that's not what it is. It may be a cavity. In that case, it's all Maribel's fault. Maribel was my secret santa. She got me too much candy. She got me some rad socks today. She knew I liked socks cuz she got some flame ones yesterday and I was like, "Maribel's santa and I need to talk!" (We did talk today. And lemme tell you, I'm going to Hot Topic this weekend and picking up a pair of those.)

Still confused about Jeremy. Still have everything all up in the air. Oh, ironic story. I was listening to Miserable by Lit.. I can really relate to that song with the whole Jeremy situation... and Jeremy signed on. How ironic is that? Like rain on your wedding day. A free ride when you already paid. The good advice that you just didn't take. And who woulda thought.... it figers (that's how she says it).

I'm worried about Russell. He was blocking Paula and me today. I IMed him under another sn that he wasn't blocking (how I found out he was in the first place) and he was just like, "I don't feel like being bothered.. I'm going to bed anyway." I told him ok.. and that if he needed anyone to talk to I was always around. Then he blocked me. I know this cuz I signed on yet another sn and he was still online. I know, I'm pathetic. But I'm worried about the guy. My guess is that he was made fun of at school (especially since he didn't block his friend Jeremy who was kinda involved in what he would be made fun of for). I guess there's not much I can do, but I still feel like I'm gonna write him an email. I don't care if he hates me. There are worse things you can be hated for than caring.

We're going on a field trip tomorrow. A rescheduled one cuz of that bus incident. I really hope the bus comes this time. I don't wanna see the kids like they were last time the bus didn't come.

Today we had free art. Basically, cuz Stephanie and I couldn't find the stuff needed for the craft we were supposed to do. We just gave em paper and markers and scissors and said make whatever you want. I started writing my name in tons of different styles on a paper. Kids saw it, liked it, and asked me to do it for their name. I musta done at least 5 of em. Made me feel a lil talented and a lil special.

We had reading today. I read a Curious George book to the kids. I absolutely loved it. They got so into the book and were all excited about me showing them the pictures and everything. And I'd ask them questions like, "what do you think is inside the pot?" and stuff like that that my teachers used to ask when I was little. I dunno why, but that made me feel really good. Stephanie was supposed to read another book, but her voice was purdy much gone, so I read it instead. I was purdy thirsty after I had finished both of them, but it was worth it. I enjoyed that a lot. I sooo wanna be a teacher.

Jeremy said he'd be online later, and it's later, and he's not on, and his brother is. (RUN ON SENTENCE ALERT!) Maybe I should challenge him to a game I can kick butt in.. hehehe.

The story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.

You stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

I suppose that's all for now...

"You make me come. You make me complete. You make me completely miserable." ~Lit

Till next time ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.