You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Part 2
August 15, 2000 - 12:11:07 AM

Ok, so my mom decided to do her monthly you're-addicted-to-the-internet lecture and not let me have the puter back for a half hour after my shower. Grrr. Usually if you wanna kick your child of an addiction, you wouldn't think you'd actually do it yourself now, would you? If that made sense at all, I'll be surprised.

I like the smell of shampoo. I bought new shampoo cuz the crap I was using made my hair all greasy. Oh yeah, my hair's always greasy. The crap I was using didn't help my greasy hair. I like the smell of any shampoo though. Even the stuff most people say smells crappy I like. Shampoo smells good.

I know you're sick of hearing about it, but back to the whole Jeremy drama. One thing.. well more than one thing.. but I'm gonna discuss this one thing that bugs me is that Jenny hasn't said anything to me about it. I mean, I dunno if she even realizes that I know about Jeremy liking her/her liking Jeremy, but even then I think it's kinda weird that she wouldn't say anything to me about liking him. I mean, I know she knows how much I like him. It just doesn't seem like the Jenny thing to do to write an email to the guy I like telling him she likes him and not tell me. Maybe I'm just being protective of something I don't even have, but I just thought Jenny woulda said something to me. It's hard to stay mad at her though. Whenever I talk to her she cracks me up too much to be pissed at her. I got her postcard today.

Jeremy lives in Idaho. Jerry lives in Idaho. Jeremy has a fro. Jerry has a fro. ::::twilight zone theme plays::: kinda creeeepyy.... ok, so it's only two things, but it's still weird. I thought I'd mention it.

There was something else I wanted to mention, but I forgot what it was between taking my shower and watching Win Ben Stein's Money. Oh well, I'll prolly remember and type about it later. Till next time, ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.