You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Bitter Lip Freckles
August 9, 2000 - 11:03:31 PM

I am becoming addicted to Welch's popsicles. I enjoy Strawberry and Raspberry, but I'd hafta say I prefer the grape flavor. Yummers.

Today was the open house. It was purdy fun, but a lot of work to prepare for. The mayor was there (whoop-dee-fricken-do). I got to shake my booty with the kids (we did our dance in front of the parents). It was cool. My parents got to meet some of the kids I talk about. David and Nacho weren't there though :o( My parents wanted to meet them. There were hardly any Frogs there, but the few that came did the cheer REALLY loud. I was so proud of them. Stephanie said she'd bring candy for them tomorrow. We'll see...

My secret santa kinda person gave me candy today. Yum. I don't especially like Mike and Ike, but I'm diggin the mini M&M's :o) I bought Angela some apple Jolly Ranchers and some of those Strawberry bon bon thingies that are so darn yummy. I hope she likes em.

My lip has been pissin me off. A few months ago I noticed this lil speck on it that wouldn't rub off. I pointed it out to my mom and she was like, "aw, how cute, you have a freckle on your lip!" Now, I have many freckles all over me. I'm a very freckley person. I've gotten used to em and like most of them. They add character, y'know? But my lip is just too much for me! I mean.. before this friendly lil addition, I used to like my lips. They're big, but not too big. They were one of the only physical features I actually liked about myself, but then the darn freckle had to show up! I mean, who has ever heard of a lip freckle before? And it's not just a lil subtle thing either. It's smack, dab, in the middle of my fricken lip! What a pain in the hind side!

Cramps suck. Motrin doesn't work good enough. I'm not planning on getting pregnant anytime soon... can't I just not have a period until I do?

Ew... it's only Wednesday. I don't wanna go to work for another two days. Wait, what am I thinking? Work is the only thing that entertains me and keeps my mind off Jeremy. Wow, that's the first time I've mentioned him this entry. Someone give me some kinda prize!

Yeah, so Jenny went river rafting with Aley, Jeremy, and Tom. Probably more people, but those are the only ones I heard. Yay for them. I'm glad Jenny's having the time of her life in Idaho while I sit in Newjerk and wish I could see Jeremy just once in the near future. Ok, I'm bitter. I should be happy for Jenny. Should being the key word. I'm just a bitter lil bitch. Bitter Bitter Bitter.





Ok, I'm quite done now. ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.